EAMCET, which stands for Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test, is an entrance examination required for admission to various Engineering and Medical colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Many other colleges offering graduation courses like BDS, B.Pharm., BSc., Pharm.D. etc. require qualification in this exam. Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test is conducted by JNT University Hyderabad on behalf of APSCHE (Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education).
andhra pradesh state vocational course vocational courses question paper physics and chemistry
Agriculture and Medicine Category
B.V.Sc. & A.H.
B.Sc. (Ag.)
B.Tech (Food Science and Tech) (Bi.P.C)
B.Sc (Commercial Agri. & Business Mgt) (Bi.P.C)
B.Pharm (Bi.P.C.).
B.Tech. (Bio-Technology)
Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy)
Engineering Category
B.Tech (Ag.Engg.)
B.Tech. (Dairy)
B.Tech (FS & T)
B.Sc (CA & BM).
Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy)
1. The candidate should be of Indian Nationality.
2. Candidates should belong to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The Candidate should satisfy Local/ Non-Local status requirement as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) order, 1974 as subsequently amended for admission into category A seats in unaided professional institutions and for all seats in University colleges.
For more information on Local Non Local Status, Click Here
For Engineering:
a. For Engineering, B.Pharmacy (M.P.C), B.Tech. (Dairy), B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech. [Food Science and Technology FS & T)], B.Sc. [Commercial Agriculture and Business Management (CA & BM)] courses:
i. Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optionals or related vocational courses in the fields of Engineering and Technology, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education.
Candidates should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma examination in Engineering conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P.
ii. Age Criteria: In the case of Engineering, Pharmacy courses, candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of admissions. There is no upper age limit.
In the case of B.Tech. (Dairy Technology), B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech. (FS &T) and B.Sc. (CA & BM) offered in Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe candidates as on 31st December of the year of admission.
b. For Pharm-D course:
i. For Pharm-D course candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as optionals conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh, as equivalent thereto or should have passed or appeared at the final year of the Diploma Examination in Pharmacy course conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and training.
ii. Age Criteria: The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission.
For Agriculture and Medicine
a. For B.V.Sc. & A.H. / B.Sc. (Ag) / B.Sc. (Hort) / B.F.Sc. / B.Tech. (FS&T) / B.Sc. (CA&BM) courses:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) or any examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P., with any two / three of the subjects indicated against each course noted below :
a. B.Sc.(Ag.) i. Physical Sciences
ii. Biological or Natural Sciences
iii. Agriculture
iv. Vocational Course in Agriculture
b. B.Sc.(Hort) same as above
c. B.V.Sc. & A.H i. Physical sciences
ii. Biological or Natural Sciences
iii. Vocational Courses in Veterinary Sciences
d. B.F.Sc i. Physical Sciences
ii. Biological or Natural Sciences
iii. Vocational Courses in Fishery Sciences
e. B.Tech (FS & T) i. Mathematics
ii. Physical Sciences
i. Physical Sciences
ii. Biological or Natural sciences
f. B.Sc (CA & BM) i. Mathematics
ii. Physical Sciences
i. Physical Sciences
ii. Biological or Natural Sciences
(ii) Age Criteria: Candidates should complete 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission and an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of SC/ST candidates as on 31st December of the year of admission.
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals including practical tests in these subjects, OR any examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry including practical tests in each of these subjects, recognized as equivalent to Intermediate by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P.
(ii) Age Criteria: Candidates should complete 17years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission. There is no upper age limit.
c. For B. Pharm Course:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals, conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. as equivalent thereto.
(ii) Age Criteria: Candidates should have completed 16 years of age by the date of commencement of admission or on such other date as may be notified by the CET committee. There is no upper age limit.
d. For B.Tech (Bio-Technology) Course:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of the intermediate examination (10+2 pattern) with Biology, Physics and Chemistry as optionals, along with the bridge course examination in mathematics conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of A.P shall be eligible.
e. For Pharm-D Course:
(i) Candidates should have passed or appeared for the final year of Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh or any other examination recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh as equivalent thereto or should have passed or appeared at the final year of the diploma examination in pharmacy course conducted by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Technical Education and Training or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) Age Criteria: The candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission to the above course.
Click here for Engineering Stream Syllabus
Click here for Medical Stream Syllabus
Test Pattern:
An expert committee constituted by the Educational Department of the State Government decides how the test is conducted. EAMCET paper for the engineering aspirants has a total of 160 questions - Mathematics -80, Physics -40, Chemistry -40. Physics and Chemistry question papers are different for E and AM categories though the syllabus is the same. The questions are of multiple-choice type with four options. Many models of questions may be give like Match the following, choose the correct statement, and Multiple-correct type questions. Students have to fill the circles given in the OMR sheet with the correct option. Two or more answers or blank will also be regarded as incorrect. There is no negative marking.
Result/ Ranking Criteria:
The qualifying percentage of marks in the Entrance Test is 25% i.e. 40 out of a total 160. However, for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, no minimum qualifying mark is prescribed. But their admission will be limited to the extent of seats reserved for such categories. Every student will be allotted a state-level rank based on his/her marks scored in the EAMCET. Quite often there will be a tie between many students scoring the same number of total marks. In such cases, the candidate scoring more marks in Maths/Biology will be awarded the higher rank. If the tie persists, the candidate scoring more marks in Physics will be awarded the higher rank. If the tie still persists, the candidate of higher age will be awarded the higher rank. From 2009 onwards 25% weightage is being given to 10+2 results. The rank will be based on 75% EAMCET marks and 25% Intermediate marks (ICSE, CBSE or INTERMEDIATE).
About Web Counseling:
Till 2008 candidate used to attend counseling in any one of the Counseling Centres for choosing a seat in a college. In this process, candidates have to travel all the way to report at any one of the counseling centres more than once. But in the Web Counseling, candidates can select a college and a Course from a nearest Internet Center.
For the Convenience of the Candidates, government has decided to adopt a total web based counseling procedure where candidate can exercise options from a place nearer to their residence. They can select a college and course intend to study through internet centre or internet facility available at their residence and where such facility is not available candidate can approach any one of the help line centres nearer to them.
Stages of Web Counseling:
Candidate Registration for Certificate Verification
Verification of Certificates
Exercising Options Manually
Preparatory work to be made by the candidate at home for exercising options on Internet
Exercising options on Internet
Final Allotment of Seats
Payment of Fees
Reporting at College
Stage 1: Candidate Registration for Certificate Verification
Wait for the announcement from authorities of Help Line Centres for Registration.
After announcement, hand over the rank card to officer at entrance.
Wait for your turn in the registration hall.
When your rank is called pay registration-cum-counseling fee and obtain receipt.
Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification form from computer operator at Registration counter.
Enter details i.e. hall ticket number, rank etc. in the Register and append your signature.
Your registration is completed. Go back and wait in the registration hall for announcement.
After announcement by the officer at Registration counter, report at Verification counter for certificate verification.
Stage 2: Verification of Certificates
Verify the details printed on Registration-Cum-Verification form for name, local area, sex, category, date of birth etc. for correctness.
If there is any mistake, report to verification officer for correction.
If you belong to SC/ST/BC Category, report to Caste Verification officer and submit the original Caste Certificate for verification and clearance. After Caste verification report to one of the Certificate verification officers to get other certificates like Rank Card, Hall ticket, Marks memo, Study certificate, income certificate etc. for verification.
If you belong to OC Category, directly report to Certificate verification officer.
The Officers will verify all the original certificates given by you.
A Print out of Receipts of certificates will be given to you and if you find any discrepancy report to the Chief Verification Officer for correction. Append your signature.
Proceed to the Briefing Hall to take instructions on exercising options.
Stage 3: Exercising Options Manually
Exercising options means you have to select Colleges and courses you wish to join and arrange them in the order of priority.
Collect List of College and their codes, courses offered and course codes, Manual option form and specimen option form and retain with you.
The Officer in Briefing Room will explain the procedure of exercising options and filling of Blank option form.
Stage 4: Preparatory work to be made by the candidate at home for exercising options on Internet
Consult your parents/friends on the selection of courses and Colleges you wish to join.
Take the manual option form and write option number, College code and course code you wish to join. For example, if you wish to join in JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad under option number, you will write 1, under College code write JNTH, under course Write CSE. If you wish to join in Mechanical Engineering Branch as your second option, write 2 under option number, HYD under district code and JNTH under College code and write MECH under course code i.e. if the vacancy is not available in CSE Branch, MEC will be considered for allotment of seats. In the similar fashion, write down any number of options.
Once your list in the manual option form is ready, take the Specimen option form and enter the option numbers against College codes and course codes you have selected and fill the entire specimen option form. This filled in specimen option form shall have to be handed over to the operator to fill the option entry form on the computer screen. Do not forget to take the filled in manual option form and filled in specimen option form to the internet centre as these are essential for entering the options on a computer.
Stage 5: Exercising options on Internet
You can exercise the options from home or from any internet café or from any Help Line Center with the help of filled in manual option form and filled in specimen option form already available with you.
Save the option numbers entered on the screen periodically and inform the computer operator also about this incase operator is entering the options.
Steps to be followed for entering the options on screen:
You must have already completed certificate verification.
Please enter URL or Website address: or as indicated in the notification.
The home page contains the information regarding Web Counselling, “Candidates Registration” for web counseling and “Candidates Login” for exercising options.
Before selecting the “Candidates Login” for exercising the options, you have to complete the ‘Candidate Registration.
Through “Candidates Registration” process, generate the password required for exercising options.
Click on ‘Candidate Registration’ and enter the following details. 1) Application No. 2) EAMCET H.T No. 3) Rank 4) Date of Birth and click on “Generate Pass word”.
In the “Enter Password” box enter the ‘password’ (having a minimum of 6 characters length with at least one alphabet) and reenter the same at “Re-enter password” box. Click on “Save” to save the password and click on “Log Out” to complete the registration and return to home page.
Exercising Options:
“Candidate Login” is provided for exercising the options.
Enter the details “ICR No., Hall Ticket No., Pass Word and Date of Birth” and click on “Sign In”.
Read the instructions carefully. Read the Declaration and click on Check Box to confirm the same and then click on “Option Entry Form” or “Help Screen”. Click on “Help Screen” will display the screen providing explanation about different Menu items.
Read the explanation about various menu items, and then click the button “Click here to Enter Options”, it displays the screen with various districts along with check boxes the same will also be displayed if you click on “Option Entry form” in the last screen.
Select one or more districts or statewide institutions to display the Colleges in those districts along with Statewide Institutions or ‘Check all’ to display all the Colleges in the state including statewide Institutions.
Click on ‘Display Option Entry form’ displays the screen for exercising the options.
In the screen three year courses (Engineering and Non- Engineering) are displayed in Creamy Yellow Colour and three and half year courses in grey Colour.
By looking at already filled Specimen Option form, enter the option numbers in the spaces on the Screen.
You are advised not to start entering options directly on the web without preparatory work at home, as you may commit mistakes.
While filling the option form ‘Click on Save Options’ at regular intervals. After completion of Option entry Click on “Logout”, it displays an alert message with three buttons “Save and Logout”, “Confirm Logout” and ‘Cancel Logout’.
Click on ‘Cancel Logout’ retains the Options Entry Form. Click on “Save & Logout” button will save the options exercised up to that point of time and display the details of the options exercised. Click on “Confirm Logout’ button will directly display the details of the options exercised.
After verification of the options exercised by him, for modifying the options, the candidate has to click on Login for Option Entry.
You are informed that, you can add, modify or delete the options any number of times within in stipulated time. The options recorded in the server on the last day will be frozen. If you wish change the frozen options once again approach any one of help line centres on any one of the dates mentioned to modify your frozen options. This is the final opportunity and after this no further change can be done. The Options recorded in the server on the last day will be taken for allotment of seats. You can take a printout of the options exercised.
Stage 6: Final Allotment of Seats
The allotments will be processed on the date mentioned in the notification based on merit and category and will be placed in the web. You have to down- load the allotment order. This is final allotment and request for change will not be entertained.
Stage 7: Payment of Fees
Download the challan form for payment of fee or collect it from helpline centre. With downloaded allotment order you have to remit the fees in one of the branches of Andhra Bank or Indian Bank in the State and obtain a receipt. However in respect of SC/ST/BC/PH/Minority a candidate whose parental income is up to one lakh per annum, payment of Tuition fee and Special fee is exempted.
Stage 8: Reporting at College
With downloaded allotment order fee receipt etc., you have to report at the respective Colleges in which seat is allotted within the dates mentioned by the authorities. If you fail to report on or before the date stipulated by the authority the allotment made in favour of you will be treated as cancelled and you will have no claim further on the allotment.
Engineering Colleges in Andhra Pradesh
S.No Name & Address of the College District Category Type Estd. Affil. Intake
1 Aizza College of Engineering & Technology, Mulkalla, Mancherial, Adilabad Dist. - 504 209. Adilabad CO MM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
2 AMR Institute of Technology, Mavala, Adilabad (M), Adilabad Dist. - 504 002. Adilabad CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
3 Anantha Lakshmi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Itikalapalli, Anantapur (R&M), Anantapur Dist., Anantapur CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
4 BIT Institute of Technology, S.No.284-1, Malgur, Peddaguddampalli, Beerepalli, H.S.Mandir, Hindupur, Anantapur dist.-515 212. Anantapur CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
5 Chiranjeevi Reddy Group of Institutions, Ananthapur, Ananthapur Dist. 516 001 Anantapur CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
6 Chiranjeevi Reddy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rachanapally (V), Bellary Road, Anantapur - 515 001. Anantapur CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
CIV - 60
7 College of Agricultural Engineering, Anantapur (NG Ranga University) Anantapur CO Univ. 2008 ANGRAU Agrl - 30
8 Gates Institute of Technology, NH-7, Gooty, Peddavaduguru(M), Anantapur dist. -515401. Anantapur CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
9 Intell Engineering College, Intel Campus, Akkampally Cross, Kalyan Durg Road, Anantapur - 515 004. Anantapur CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
ME - 60
CIV - 90
10 JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur. Anantapur CO Univ. 1946 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
Chem - 60
11 Moula Ali College of Engineering and Technology, Gonipeta, Penukonda, Anantapur Dist., Anantapur CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
12 PVKK Institute of Technology, Sanapa Road, Rudrampeta, Anantapur Dist. Anantapur CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
13 Shri Sai Institute of Engineering & Technology, NH-7, Podaralla (V), Bukkarayasamudram (M), Anantapur Dist - 515 001. Anantapur CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
14 Shri Shirdi Sai Institute of Science & Engineering, #2-383, Ward No.10, NH-7, Vaidyampeta (P), Podaralla (V), Bukkarayasamudram (M), Anantapur Dist. Anantapur CO NM 2009 JNTUA ECE - 60
EEE - 60
MEC - 60
CIV - 60
15 Sir C.V.Raman Institute of Technology & Sciences, Anantapur Road, Behind Bharath Petroleum Bunk, Tadipatri, Anantapur Dist -515411. Anantapur CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
16 Sri Krishnadeveraya Engineering College, NH-7, Gooty, Anantapur dist. - 514 001 Anantapur CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
17 Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Loluru (V), Anantapur - 515 004. Anantapur CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
18 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Technology, Hampapuram, NH-7, Rapthadu (M), Anantapur - 515 501. Anantapur CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
19 Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology, Bodiganidoddi (V), B.K.Samudram (M), Anantapur Dist.- 515 701. Anantapur CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
20 St. Mark Educational Institution Society Group of Institution, Ananathapur Dist. - 515 001 Anantapur CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
21 Tadipatri Engineering College, Veerapuram (V), Tadipatri (M), Anantapur dist. 515 411 Anantapur CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
22 University College of Engineering, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur - 515 503 Anantapur CO Univ. 2005 SKU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ECE - 60
BIO - 60
23 Aditya College of Engineering, Valasapalli (Post), Madanapalle, Chittoor Dist -517325 Chittoor CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
24 Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science,Venkatapuram,Karakambadi, Mangalam Rd, Renigunta, Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist., Chittoor CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
25 Bharath Educational Society’s Group of Institutions Faculty of Engineering, Golden valley Campus, NH-205, Angallu, Kurabalakota (M), Chittoor Dist-517325. Chittoor CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
26 Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College, Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati-517506, Chittoor dist. Chittoor CO NM 2004 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
27 Chadalawada Venkata Subbaiah College of Engineering, Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.-517 506 Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
28 Dairy Tecnology Program, C/o.College of Veternary Science, S.V.U., Tirupati, Chittoor Dist., Chittoor CO Univ. 2008 SVU Dairy - 25
29 JB Women's Engineering College, Daminedu (V), Renigunta Road, Tirupati - 517506, Chittoor Dist. Chittoor W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
30 KKC Institute of Technology & Engineering For Women, Nagari - Tirupati Road,Parameswaramangalam, Puttur, Chittoor Dist - 517 583. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 90
CIV - 60
31 KMM Institute of Technology & Science, Ramireddypally, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
32 Kuppam Engineering College, KES Nagar, Peddabanganatham, Kuppam-517425, Chittoor Dist. Chittoor CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
33 Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, P.B.No.14, Angallu, Madanapally-517325, Chittoor. Chittoor CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 30
BIO - 30
34 MJR College of Engineering & Technology, Diguvapokulavaripalli (V), Pulicherla (M), Chittoor Dist. Chittoor CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
35 Mother Theresa Institute of Engg. & Technology, Melmoi (V & Post), Palamaner Chittoor Dist. 517 408 Chittoor CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
36 Priyadarshini Institute of Technology, C.Ramachandrapuram, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
37 Rayalaseema School of Engineering & Research, Chinthagunta (V), Near C.Gollapalli, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist -517505. Chittoor CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
38 Sai Sakthi Engineering College, Maharajapuram, Kanakamachakram, Vijayapuram, chittoor dist. Chittoor CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
39 School of Engineering and Technology, Sri Padmavathi Mahila (Women's) (SPMVV), Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist., Chittoor W Univ. 2006 SPMU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
BIO - 60
40 Seshachala Institute of Technology, Tirupati Chennai Highway, Puttur, Chittoor Dist. - 517 583. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
ME - 60
41 Shree Institute of Technical Education, Krishnapuram (V), Renigunta (M), Chittoor dist. - 517 520 Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
42 Shree Rama Educational Society Group of Institutions, Rami Reddy nagar, Karkambadi Road, Tirupathi Urban Mandal, Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist - 517 507 Chittoor CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
43 Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road, Puttur, Chittoor Dist. - 517583. Chittoor CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
44 Siddhartha Institute of Science & Technology, Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavaram Road, Puttur, Chittoor Dist - 517 583. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
45 Sir Vishveshwaraiah Institute of Science & Technology, Angallu, Madanapally, Chittoor Dist.-517325 Chittoor CO NM 2006 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
46 Sree Rama Engineering College, Karakambadi Road, Opp: LIC Training Centre, Venkatapuram (V), Ranigunta (M), Chittoor District - 517 520. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
47 Sri Kalahastiswara Institute of Technology, Panagal, Srikalahasti, Chittoor Dist.,-517 644. Chittoor CO NM 1997 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
48 Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering and Technology, RVS Nagar, Chinnaraja, Kuppam, Puttur, Chittoor Dist.,-517583 Chittoor CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
49 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Thenepalli, Puthalpat, RVS Nagar, Marukambattu, Chittoor dist.,-517127 Chittoor CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 90
CIV - 60
50 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Opp.LIC Training Centre, Karakambadi Road, Mangalam, Tirupati-517507, Thimminaidupalem, Chittoor. Chittoor CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
51 Sri Venkateswara Engineering College for Women, Opp. LIC Training Centre, Karakambadi Road, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist -517507. Chittoor W NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
52 Sri Venkateswara University (SVU) College of Engineering, Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist. - 517 502. Chittoor CO Univ. 1958 SVU CSE - 40
ECE - 40
EEE - 40
ME - 60
CIVIL - 40
Chem - 40
53 Sri Vidyaniketan Engineering College, Sri Sainath Nagar, A.Rangampet, Near Tirupathi, Chittoor Dist.,-517102. Chittoor CO NM 1996 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
BIO - 30
CIV - 60
EIE - 120
ECS - 60
CSS - 60
54 Srinivasa Institute of Technology & Management Studies, Thimmasamudram, Bangalore-Tirupati By-pass Rd, | Chittoor - 517 127. Chittoor CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 90
EIE - 90
55 Swetha Institute of Technology & Science for Women, C.Ramapuram, Tirupati, Ramachandrapuram(M), Chittoor Dist - 517567. Chittoor W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
56 Vaishnavi Institute of Technology for Women, Tanapalli (V), Kuntrapakam (P), Tirupati rural, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist -517501. Chittoor CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
57 Vaishnavi Institute of Technology, Thanapalli, Kuntrapakam(P), Tirupati, Chittoor Dist., -517561. Chittoor CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
58 Vemu Institute of Technology, P.Kothakota Post, Chittoor dist - 517 112. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
59 Yogananda Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Reddy Nagar, Yellamandyam, Renigunta (M), Tirupati-517520, Chittoor dist. Chittoor CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
60 Akshaya Bharathi Institute of Technology, R.S.Nagar, Siddavatam Post, Cuddapah Dist. - 516 237. Cuddapah CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
61 Anjan Narasimha Munaga Kancharla Thummapudi Institute of Technology & Management, D.A.Agraharam, B.Mattam (M), Badvel, Kadapa Dist -516501. Cuddapah CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
62 Annamacharya Inst. of Technology & Sciences, Behind RTO office, Utnkur Post, Chintakomma Dinne (V&M) , Kadapa Dist Cuddapah CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
MECH - 60
CIVIL - 60
63 Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science, Thallapakka, New Bowenpally, Rajampet - 516126, Cuddapah Dist., Cuddapah CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 120
64 Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Balaji Nagar, Tallamapuram Road, Proddatur, Kadapa Dist -516362 Cuddapah CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
65 Bharat College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Buggletipally (V&P), C.K.Dinne (M), Cuddapah Dist., Cuddapah W MM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
66 Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology, Pallavolu (V), Chapadu (M), Cuddapah Dist.-516 362 Cuddapah CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
67 College of Food Science & Technology, Pulivendula, Cuddapah Dist., (NG Ranga University) Cuddapah CO Univ. 2008 ANGRAU FST - 15
68 Fathima Institute of Technology & Management, Ramarajupally, Pulivendula Road, Cuddapah Dist., Cuddapah CO MM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
69 Global College of Engineering & Technology, Nr.Satellite City, Chinnamachupalli (V), Chenur (M), Cuddapah Dist - 516162 Cuddapah CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
70 Goutami Institute of Technology & Management for Women, Peddasettypally (P), Prodatur, Kadapa Dist -516360 Cuddapah W NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
CIV - 60
71 JNTU College of Engineering , Pulivendula, Cuddapah Dist., Cuddapah CO Univ. JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
BIO - 60
72 Kandula Lakshumma Memorial College of Engineering For Women, Tadigotla (V), Chintakomma Dinne (M), Cuddapah Dist. - 516 003. Cuddapah W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
73 Kandula Obul Reddy Memorial College of Engineering, Tadigotla, Chintakommadinne(M), Cuddapah - 516 003. Cuddapah CO NM 2006 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
74 KSRM (Kandula) College of Engineering, H.No.3/429, Raja Reddy Street, Tadigotla, Chintakommadina, Pulivendula Rd, Yerramasupalli, Cuddapah Dist. - 516 003. Cuddapah CO NM 1980 SVU CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 90
ME - 120
CIV - 120
75 Madina Engineering College, Near Air Port, Kamalapuram Road, Cuddapah Dist., - 516001 Cuddapah CO MM 1998 JNTUA CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 30
ME - 30
CIV -60
76 Modugula Kalavathama Institute of Technology for Women, New Boyanapalli, Rajampet, Cuddapah Dist. - 516 115. Cuddapah W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
CIV - 60
77 Narayanadri Institute of Science & Technology, Anantharajapuram, Rajampet -Venkatpally Road, Rajampet, Kadapa Dist -516115. Cuddapah CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
78 Rajoli Veera Reddy Padmaja Engineering College for Women, Pulivendula Road, Tadigotia (V), C.K. Dinne (M), Cuddapah - 516 003 Cuddapah W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT -90
79 Sri Sai Institute of Technology & Science, 2/714-18, Gollapally, Rayachoti, Cuddapah Dist., - 516270. Cuddapah CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 90
80 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science & Technology, Tadigotla, C.K.Divine, Cuddapah Dist., Cuddapah CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
81 Srinivasa Institute of Technology & Science, Ukkayapalli (V), Hyderabad-Chennai Bypass Road, Kadapa-516002. Cuddapah CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
82 Vaagdevi Institute of Technology & Science, Peddasettipalli, Proddatur, Cuddapah Dist., - 516 361. Cuddapah CO NM 2002 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
83 Vignana Bharati Institute of Technology, Vidyanagar, Pallavolu (V), Chapadu (M), Proddatur, Kadapa Dist - 516362. Cuddapah CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
84 Yogi Vemana University College of Engg., Proddatur, Cuddapah Dist. Cuddapah CO Univ. 2008 YVU CSE - 40
ECE -40
EEE - 40
IT - 40
ME - 40
CIV - 40
85 Adarsh College of Engineering, Chebrolu (V), GolLaprolu (M), E.G.Dist.-533449. East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
ME - 60
86 Aditya Engineering College, Aditya Nagar, ADB Rao, Surampalem, Peddapuram, E.G.Dist. - 533437. East Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 120
CIV - 60
87 Amalapuram Institute of Management Sciences & College of Engineering, NH-214, Mummidivaram, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
88 Badari Institute of Technology & Sciences for Women, Sy.No.56,Main Road, Sarpavaram, Kakinada, E.G.Dist. East Godavari W NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
89 Bonam Venkata Chalamaiah Engineering College, Odalarevu, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist.,-533 210. East Godavari CO NM 1997 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
90 Bonam Venkata Chalamaiah Institute of Technology & Science, P.B.No.26, Batlapalem, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist. - 533 221. East Godavari CO NM 2002 JNTUK CSE -120
EEE - 120
ECE - 120
ME - 60
91 BVC College of Engineering, Palacharla, Rajahmundry, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
92 Chaitanya Institute of Engineering & Technology, NH-5, Velugubanda, Rajnagaram, Rajahmundry, E.G. Dist.-533294. East Godavari CO NM 2005 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
93 Chaitanya Institute of Science & Technology, Madhavapatnam, Samarlakota, Kakinada, E.G. Dist., East Godavari CO NM 2005 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
94 GIET College of Engineering, NH-5, Chaitanya Nagar, Rajahmudry, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
95 Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chaitanyanagar, NH No.5, Velugubanda, Rajanagaram, Rajahmundry-533294, E.G.Dist., East Godavari CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 90
CIV - 60
BIO - 30
BME - 30
AUT - 60
MIN - 60
96 Ideal Institute of Technology, Vidyut Nagar, Kakinada, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
97 International School of Technology & Sciences (Women), East GonaGoudem, Rajanagaram Mandal, Rajahmundry East Godavari W NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
98 JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada - 533 003, E.G. Dist., East Godavari CO Univ. 1946 JNTUK CSE -50
ECE - 50
EEE - 50
ME - 50
CPE - 50
99 Kakinada Institute of Engineering & Technology -II, 306, Korangi (V), Tallarevu Mandal, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
100 Kakinada Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, No.305, Yanam Road, Korangi (V), Tallarevu (M), E.G.Dist.-533461. East Godavari W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 90
101 Kakinada Institute of Engineering & Technology, Yanam Road, Metlapalem, Tallarevu (V), Korangi-533461, Kakinada, E.G.Dist., East Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
EEE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
102 Kakinada Institute of Technology & Science, Tirupathi (V), Peddapuram, E.G. Dist. - 533 433 East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
103 Kakinada Institute of Technology & Sciences, Ambikapalli, Agraharam (V), Ramachandrapuram, E.G. Dist - 533 255 East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
104 Konaseema Institute of Management Sciences & College of Engineering, NH-214, Chaitanya Nagar, Near Red Bridge, Kamanagaruvu (V), Amalapuram, E.G. Dist. - 533 201. East Godavari CO NM 2008 AU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
105 Krishna's Pragati Institute of Technology, DBV Raju Township, Diwancheruyu, Rajahmundry, E.G. Dist - 533 103 East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
106 Lenora College of Engineering, Church Compound, Irlapalli, Rampachodavaram, E.G. Dist., - 533 288. East Godavari CO NM 2000 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
107 Pragati Engineering College, 1-378, ADB Road, Surampalem, Peddapuram, E.G.Dist -533437. East Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
108 Prasiddha College of Engineering & Technology, Ananthavaram Village, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
109 Pydah College of Engineering, Patavala, Kakinada, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIV - 60
110 Rajahmundry Engineering College, Palacharla, Rajanagaram Mandal, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
111 Rajamahendri Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhupalapatnam, Rajahmundry, E.G. Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
112 Sri Aditya Engineering College, Aditya Nagar, Surampalem, Gandepalli (M), E.G. Dist. - 533 437. East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
113 Sri Prakash College of Engineering, Rajupeta, Kothuru, Tuni, E.G.Dist.,-533 401. East Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 120
ECE - 60
CIV - 30
114 Sri Sai Aditya Institute of Science & Technology, Aditya Nagar, ADB Road, Surampalem-533 437, Gundepalli, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2004 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
115 Sri Sai Madhavi Institute of Science & Technology, Near Rajahmundry, Rajanagaram, E.G. Dist.-533294 East Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
116 Srinivasa Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kakinada - Amalapuram Road, NH-214, Katrenikona Mandal, Amalapuram, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIV - 60
117 V.S.M College of Engineering, Ramachandrapuram, E.G.Dist. East Godavari CO NM 2009 AU CSE -60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
118 VS Lakshmi Engineering College for Women, NH-214, Metlapalem, G.Vemavaram (V), Tallarevu (M), Kakinada, E.G. Dist.-533 461 East Godavari W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
119 A M Reddy Memorial College of Engineering & Technology, Mastan Reddy Nagar, Petlurivaripalem, Narasaraopet (M), Guntur Dist. - 522 615. Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -60
CIV - 60
120 Amara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Satuluru - 522 549, Narsaraopet, Nadendla (M), Guntur Dist., Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -60
CIV - 60
121 Bapatla College of Engineering, GBC Road, Bapatla, Guntur dist. - 522 101. Guntur CO NM 1981 ANU CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
BIO - 60
EIE - 60
CIV - 120
CHEM - 60
122 Bapatla Women's Engineering College, GBC Road, Bapatla, Guntur Dist. - 522 101 Guntur W NM 2009 ANU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
123 Chalapathi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chalapathinagar, Lam, Guntur Dist. - 522 034. Guntur CO NM 2007 ANU CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
124 Chalapathi Institute of Technology, A.R. Nagar, Mothadaka, Guntur Dist.-522 016 Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
125 Chebrolu Engineering College Institute of Computer Electronics & Management, Campus, Chebrolu, Guntur Dist. - 522 212. Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
126 Don Bosco Institute of Technology & Science, 5th Mile, Pulladigunta, Korenepadu, Vaticherukura, Guntur Dist. Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
127 Eswar College of Engineering, Kesanapalli (V), Narasaraopet, Guntur Dist - 522 601 Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT -60
128 EVM College of Engineering & Technology, Opp.RTO Office, Guntur Road, Jonnalagadda, Narsaraopet, Guntur Dist. - 522 601. Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
129 G.V.R & S College of Engineering for Women, Ganginenipuram, Near Buddampudi, Guntur Dist. Guntur W NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
CIV - 30
130 Guntur Engineering College, Yenamadala (V&P), Prattipadu (M), Guntur Dist. - 522 219. Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -60
131 GVR & S College of Engineering & Technology, Ganginenipuram, Near Budampadu, Guntur -522013. Guntur CO NM 2007 ANU CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
132 Haji Mohammed Kashim Saheb & Mohammed Galab Saheb College of Engineering, Kangala Village, Cherukupally Mandal, Guntur Dist. Guntur CO NM 2009 ANU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
133 KKR & KSR Institute of Technology & Sciences, Vinjanampadu (V), Vatticherukur (M), Guntur Dist.-522 017. Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
CIV -60
134 KL University, Greenfields, Vaddeswaram, Tadepalli (M) - 522502, Kunchanapalli, Guntur. Guntur CO Univ. 1980 KLU CSE - 120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT -120
ME - 120
BIO - 60
CIV - 60
IPE - 60
ECM - 120
135 Kothamasu Saraswathamma & Subbaratnam Women's Engineering College, Nelapadu (V), Tenali (M), Guntur Dist. - 522 201. Guntur W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
136 Krishnaveni Engineering College for Women, Kesanaupalli (V), Narasaraopet (M), Guntur Dist-522 601 Guntur W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE 90
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT -60
137 Loyola Institute of Technology & Management, Loyola Nagar, Dhulipalla, Sattenapally (M), Guntur-522403. (request for cancel of CM status) Guntur CO CM 2001 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
138 Malineni Lakshmaiah Women's Engineering College, Pulladigunta (V), Kornepadu (P), Vatticherukuru (M), Guntur Dist.-522 017 Guntur W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
139 Malineni Perumallu Educational Society's Group of Colleges (Integrated Campus), Pulladigunta, Kornapadu, Vatticherukuru Mandal, Guntur Dist. Guntur CO NM 2009 JNTUK ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
140 Nalanda Institute of Engineering & Technology, Siddharth Nagar, Kantepudi, Sattenapally(M), Guntur Dist.-522438. Guntur CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -120
CIV - 60
141 Nalanda Institute of Technology, Siddharthanagar, Kantepuri (V), Sattenapalli (M), Guntur Dist - 522 438 Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
IT -60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
142 Nannapaneni Venkata Rao College of Engineering & Technology, Nannapaneni Venkata Rao Nagar, Itha Nagar, Tenali, Guntur. Guntur CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
143 Narasaraopet Institute of Technology, Kotappakonda Road, Yellamanda Post, Narasaraopet, Guntur Dist - 522 601 Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT -60
144 Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Kotappakonda Road, Yelamanda, Narsaraopet, Guntur Dist.-522601 Guntur CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT -90
ME - 60
CIV - 60
145 Newton's Inst. of Science & Technology, Alugurajapalli Village, macherala Guntur Dist. Guntur CO NM 2010 JNTUK CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
146 Newton's Institute of Engineering, Alugurajapally, Kupunoor(p), Macherla, Guntur dist.-522426. Guntur CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -90
147 NRI Institute of Technology, Perecharla, Visadala Road, Perecharla, Guntur-522009. Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -60
CIV - 60
148 Paladugu Nagaiah Chowdary & Vijai Institute of Engineering & Technology, (PNC) Repudi (V), Pirangipuram, Guntur Dist. - 522 529. Guntur CO NM 2008 ANU CSE - 60
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT -60
149 Ponnur Engineering College, Chintalapudi, Ponnur Mandal,Guntur Dist. Guntur CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
150 Priyadarshini Institute of Technology & Science, Sy.No.152, 154, Chintalapudi, Tenali, Guntur Dist.-522306. Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
151 Priyadarshini Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Sy.No.153, 152/3, 137/1, 137/2, 140/5, Chintalapudi, Tenali, Guntur Dist.- 522 306 Guntur W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -90
IT -90
CIV - 30
152 RVR & JC College of Engineering, Chandramoulipuram, Chowdavaram, Guntur Dist., Guntur CO NM 1985 ANU CSE - 120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT -120
ME - 120
BIO - 60
CIVIL -120
Chem - 60
153 Sri Chundi Ranganayakulu Engineering College, Chilakaluripeta, Guntur dist.-522619. Guntur CO NM 1999 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 60
154 Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering, Tummapalem, NH-5, Guntur-522 233, Guntur Dist., Guntur CO NM 2006 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
155 Sri Mittapalli Institute of Technology for Women, Tummalapalem, NH-5, Guntur Dist. - 522 233. Guntur W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 30
IT -90
156 St.Mary's Engineering College, Chebrolu ( V & M), Guntur Dist., -522 212. Guntur CO CM 2007 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -120
EEE - 60
ME -60
157 St.Mary's Womens Engineering College, Budampadu (V), Guntur Rural Mandal, Guntur Dist - 522 _13 Guntur W CM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -120
IT -90
158 Tenali Engineering College, Anumarlapudi, Tenali, Sangamjagarlamudi, Pedakakani(M), Guntur-522 213. Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
159 Tirumala Engineering College, Jonnalagadda (V), Narasaraopet (M), Guntur Dist - 522 601 Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
160 Universal College of Engineering & Technology, Dokiparru (V), Medikondur (M), Guntur Dist. - 522 438 Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
CIV -60
161 Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Namburu, Pedakakani, Guntur Dist. - 522 508. Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
162 Velaga Nageswara Rao College of Engineering, Chintalapudi, Ponnur PO & M, Guntur Dist. - 522 124. Guntur CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 90
IT -60
163 Vignan University, Vadlamudi, Via Tenali, Narakoduru, Guntur - 522213. Guntur CO Univ. 1997 VU CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT -120
ME - 60
Bio - 60
Civil - 60
Chem - 60
164 Vignan's Lara Institute of Technology & Science, Vadlamudi, Chebrolu, Guntur Dist. - 522 213. Guntur CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
165 Vignan's Nirula Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Pedapalakaluru (V), Guntur Rural Mandal, Guntur Dist.- 522 005. Guntur W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -90
166 Aurora Scientific and Technological Research Academy (Sant Samarth), Chandrayangutta, Kesavagiri, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad - 500 005 Hyderabad CO LM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
Aero - 60
BIO - 60
167 Bhaskar Engineering College, Amadapur X Road, Yenkapally, Moinabad (M), Himayathnagar, Hyderabad - 500 075 Hyderabad CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
ME - 60
CIV - 60
168 Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women, 17-1-209/B, Vinay Nagar, Santoshnagar X Road, Saidabad, Hyderabad - 500059. Hyderabad W NM 1997 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT -120
EIE - 60
169 Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Chaitanya Bharathi, Gandipet, Hyderabad-500075. Hyderabad CO NM 1979 OU CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 60
BIO - 60
CIV- 60
Chem - 60
IPE - 60
170 Chilkur Balaji Institute of Technology, RVS Nagar, Aziznagar, Moinabad Road, Near A.P.Police Academy, Hyderabad Dist. - 500 075. Hyderabad CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
171 City Women College of Engineering & Technology, #8-5-2/18, Moghal Campus, Near Chandrayangutta, X Road, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad Hyderabad W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
172 CM Engineering College, Sy.No.518, 519, 521 & 532, Mysammaguda, Dhulapalli (post via Hakimpet), Sec-bad- 14, Hyderabad. Hyderabad CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
ME - 60
Aero - 60
173 Deccan College of Engineering & Technology, Dar-us-Salam, Near Nampally, Aghapur, Hyderabad - 500 001. Hyderabad CO MM 1984 OU CSE -90
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 60
EIE - 40
CIV - 60
IPE - 40
174 G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science for Women, 8-1-297/2/1, Shaikpet, Raidurg, Hyderabad - 500 008. Hyderabad W NM 1997 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ETM - 60
ICE - 60
175 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Miyapur, Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072. Hyderabad CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 120
BIO - 90
CIV - 120
BME -30
176 Greenfort Engineering College, Bandlaguda, Kesavagiri, Near Chandrayangutta, Hyderabad - 500 005. Hyderabad CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
177 Hi-Tech College of Engineering & Technology, Himayathnagar, Gandipet, Moinabad, CB Post, Hyderabad-500075. Hyderabad CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
178 Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal, Qutbullapur (M), Hyderabad - 500 043. Hyderabad CO NM 2000 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
Aero - 120
CIV - 60
179 Islamia College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Bandlaguda (M), Hyderabad Revenue Division, Hyderabad - 500007. Hyderabad CO NM 2008 OU CSE -90
ECE -90
EEE - 30
IT- 90
180 JNA & FA University Hyderabad CO Univ. JNA&FAU BP - 40
DTG - 60
FPM - 60
181 JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad Hyderabad CO Univ. 1965 JNTUH CSE -50
ECE -50
EEE - 50
ME - 60
CIV - 50
MET - 50
Others - 150
182 Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology, 3-5-1026, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad - 500 029. Hyderabad CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
IT - 60
EIE - 60
183 Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.32, Himayath Sagar, Hyderabad - 500 008 Hyderabad CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 30
IT - 30
ME - 60
CIV - 60
184 Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Chaitanya Bharathi, Kokapet, Gandipet, Hyderabad-500075. Hyderabad CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
MMT - 60
185 Mahaveer Institute of Science & Technology, Vyasapuri, Bandlaguda, Kesavagiri, Hyderabad - 500 005. Hyderabad CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
186 Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Sy.No.640a, 641/2, 646/c, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post via Hakimpet), Secunderabad - 500114 Hyderabad W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -120
EEE - 60
187 Malla Reddy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.631, 632/1, 629, 630, 632, 641/1, Mysammaguda, Dhulapalli, (post via hakimpet), Sec-bad - 14. Hyderabad CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
188 Malla Reddy Institute of Technology, Sy.No.645, 642/1, 643/1, 644/1, 645/P, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally Post, Via Hakimpet, Secunderabad - 500 014 Hyderabad CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -90
CIV - 120
189 Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, 4-1-1001, 4-1-1045, 878-B, & 3-2, King Koti Road, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001. Hyderabad CO NM 2008 OU CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 60
190 MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Qutbullapur, Hyderabad - 043. Hyderabad CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
ME - 60
Aero - 120
191 Moghal College of Engineering & Technology, 8-5-2/181, Moghal Campus, Bandlaguda, Near Chandrayangutta X Roads, Hyderabad - 500 004. Hyderabad CO MM 2005 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
192 Muffakham Jah (MJ) College of Engineering & Technology, 8-2-249, Mount Pleasant, Road No.3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 155. Hyderabad CO MM 1980 OU CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -120
ME - 120
EIE - 60
CIV - 120
IPE - 60
193 Mumtaz College of Engineering & Tehchonology, 15-2-737, Malakpet, Hyderabad-500036 Hyderabad CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
194 MVSR (Maturi Venkata Subba Rao) Engineering College, Nadargul, Saroor Nagar(M), Hyderabad. Hyderabad CO NM 1981 OU CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -90
ME - 120
Auto - 30
CIV - 120
195 Nawab Shah Alam Khan College of Engineering & Technology, 16-4-1/A, New Malakpet, Hyderabad. Hyderabad CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
196 OU College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007. Hyderabad CO Univ. 1929 OU CSE -60
ECE -50
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
BME - 30
197 OU College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007. Hyderabad CO Univ. 1943 OU Chem - 60
FPT - 20
Tex - 20
198 Panineeya Institute of Technology & Science, Vivekananda Nagar, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad Hyderabad CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
199 Pujya Shri Madhavanji College of Engineering & Technology, Shanthivanam, Nagarjunasagar Road, Hyderabad. - 500 035. Hyderabad CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
200 Rishi M.S Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, 1-2-54/1, Opp JNTU Kukatpally, Hyderabad-85 Hyderabad W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
201 Shadan College of Engineering & Technology, Peerancheru, Himayatsagar Road, Hyderabad – 500 008. Hyderabad CO MM 1995 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
202 Shadan Women’s College of Engineering & Technology, 6-2-978, Khairatabad, Hyderabad - 500 004. Hyderabad W MM 2002 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
203 Sri Sai Jyothi (SSJ) Engineering College, Vattinagulapally, Gandipet, Hyderabad - 500 075. (shifted from 8-6-275/1, Padmavathy Colony, Opp. Bhageeratha Colony, Mahabubnagar vide G.O.Rt.No.865, dt:27.10.07) Hyderabad CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
204 Sridevi Women's Engineering College, Vattinagulpally, C.B.Post, Gandipet, Hyderabad - 500 075. Hyderabad W NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
EIE - 60
205 Stanley College of Engineering & Technology for Women, D.No.5-9-78 to 82, B-1-80 & 5-9-81, Chapel Road, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001. Hyderabad W NM 2008 OU CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE- 60
IT -60
206 Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, 8-1-377 to 379, Mahbub College Campus, Patny Center, Sec-Bad - 003. Hyderabad CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 120
ME - 30
207 Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College, Medbowli, Meerpet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad-500079. Hyderabad CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
CIV - 60
208 TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Medbowli, Meerpet, Hyderabad - 500 079. Hyderabad CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 120
BIO - 60
209 Vanjari Seetaiah Memorial Engineering College, Bandlaguda, Keshavagiri, Chandrayangutta, Hyderabad - 500 005. Hyderabad CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
210 Vasavi College of Engineering, 9-5-81, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad - 500 031. Hyderabad CO NM 1981 OU CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT -60
ME - 120
CIV - 60
211 Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Aziznagar gate, Himayathnagar, CB Post, Moinabad, Hyderabad - 500 075. Hyderabad CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT -60
ME - 60
212 Viswa Bharathi College of Engineering, S.No.19, Adjacent to Brindavan Colony, Nizampet Road, Hyder Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072. Hyderabad CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
IT -60
CIV - 60
213 VNR Vignan Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bachupally, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500072. Hyderabad CO NM 1995 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT -60
EIE - 60
CIV - 120
214 Dr.VRK College of Engineering & Technology, Sivarnookapalli, Mallial, Ramannapet, Jagtial, Karimnagar Dist,-505452. Karimnagar CO MM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
215 JNTU College of Engineering, Karimnagar Karimnagar CO Univ. JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
216 Jyothismathi Institute of Technological Sciences, Ramakrishnapur Colony, Karimnagar - 505 481. Karimnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
217 Jyothismathi Institute of Technology & Science, Nustulapur, Thimmapur, Karimnagar-505481. Karimnagar CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
218 Kamala Institute of Technology and Science, Singapur, Huzurabad, Karimnagar Dist., - 505 468. Karimnagar CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 90
ME - 60
219 Mother Theressa College of Engineering & Technology, PP Colony, Peddapalli, Peddabonkuru, Karimnagar Dist., - 505 174. Karimnagar CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
ME - 60
220 Nigama Engineering College, Sambaiahpally (V), Karimnagar Dist. - 505 186 Karimnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
221 Sahaja Institute of Tech. Sciences for Women, Kothapalli (H), Rekurthy, Karimnagar Dist - 505 451 Karimnagar W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
222 Sindhura College of Engineering and Technology, Jyothinagar, Medipally, Godavarikhani, Ramagundam, Karimnagar - 505209. Karimnagar CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
223 Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, LMD Colony, Thimmapur, Karimnagar Dist., - 505 527. Karimnagar CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
224 Sree Chaitanya Institute of Technological Sciences, LMD Colony, Thimmapoor, Karimnagar Dist. 505 527. Karimnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
225 Trinity College of Engineering & Technology, Peddapalli, Karimnagar Dist.- 505 172. Karimnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
226 Trinity College of Engineering & Technology, Saleh Nagar, Rekurthi, Karimnagar - 505 002 Karimnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
227 Vaageshwari College of Engineering, LMD Police Station ,Ramakrishna Colony, Karimnagar-505 481. Karimnagar CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
228 Vaageswari Engineering College, Beside LMD Police Station, Ramakrishna Colony, Karimnagar - 505 481. Karimnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
229 VITS Women's Engineering College, Survey No.682,720, Bommakal Village, Karimnagar-505001 Karimnagar W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
230 Vivekananda Institute of Technology & Science, (VITS School of Engineering & Technology, VITS SET), Malkapur, Beside PG College, Godavarikhani - 505209, Karimnagar dist., Karimnagar CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
231 Vivekananda Institute of Technology & Science, Opp.Housing Board, Near By-pass, Bommakal, Karimnagar - 505 209. Karimnagar CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 30
IT - 60
ME - 30
CIV - 60
232 Abdul Kalam Institute of Technology & Science, Vepalagadda, Kothagudem, Khammam-507120 Khammam CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 120
IT - 60
233 Adams Engineering College, Seetharamapatnam, Palvancha - 507 115, Khammam Dist. Khammam CO CM 1998 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 120
CIV - 60
234 ANU Bose Institute of Technology, K.S.P.Road, Paloncha (M) - 507 115, Khammam Dist., Khammam CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
235 Bomma Institute of Technology & Science, Allipuram, Behind Eenadu Office, Khammam - 507 318. Khammam CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 90
ME - 60
CIV - 60
236 Daripally Anantharamulu College of Engineering & Technology, Gandhi Chowk, Sathyanarayanapuram, Khammam Rural (M), Khammam. Khammam CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE -60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
237 Dr.Paul Raj's Engineering College, Lutheran Office, SRN College, Gollagutta Road, Bhadrachalam, Khammam Dist. - 507 111. Khammam CO CM 1997 JNTUH CSE- 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 90
238 Khammam Institute of Technology & Science,s Ponnekal (VUG), Khammam Rural Mandal, Khammam Dist - 507 170 Khammam CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
239 KLR College of Engineering & Technology, Bhadrachalam Road, Polancha, Khammam Dist. - 507 115. Khammam CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
240 Laqshya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Tenikella (V), Konderla (M), Khammam Dist. Khammam CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
241 Medha Institute of Science & Technology for Women, Sai Prabhat Nagar, Pedathanda (V), Khammam Mandal, Khammam. Khammam W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
242 Mohammadiya Institute of Computer Technology, Barugudem, Warangal Highway, Khammam -507163 Khammam CO MM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60 ME - 60
243 Mother Theresa Institute of Science and Technology, Sanketika Nagar, Kothur, Sattupalli, Khammam Dist.-507 303. Khammam CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
244 Pulipati Prasad Institute of Technology & Science, Sri Balaji Nagar, Near Ammapalem, Waya Road, Khammam - 507 305 Khammam CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
245 Sai Spurthy Institute of Technology, B.Gangaram, Sattupally, Khammam - 507 303. Khammam CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
246 Sarada Institute of Technology & Science, Sarada Nagar, Raghunathapalem, Khammam - 507 002. Khammam CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
247 Sree Kavitha Engineering College, Karepalli, Yellandu, Khammam Dist., -507122. Khammam CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
248 Sree Kavitha Institute of Science & Technology, Krishnapuram (V), Madhira Mandal, Khammam. Khammam CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
249 Sree Rama Institute of Technology & Science, Kuppenakuntla, Penuballi, Khammam Dist.-507302. Khammam CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
250 SRR Engineering College, Karepally, Yellandu, Khammam Dist.,-507122. Khammam CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 60
251 Swarna Bharathi College of Engineering, Kodad X Road, Maddulapally, Khammam Rural (M), Khammam Dist.-507170. Khammam CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
252 Swarna Bharathi Institute of Science & Technology, Near Mamatha General Hospital, Pakabanda Street, Khammam - 507 002. Khammam CO NM 2003 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
253 University (KU) College of Engineering, ME Complex, Kothagudem, Khammam Dist., Khammam CO Univ. 1956 KU CSE -40
EEE - 40
MIN- 25
254 Vazir Sultan College of Engineering, Younis Sultan Campus, Near VV.Palem, Wyra Road, Khammam - 507 318. Khammam CO MM 1995 KU CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 30
ME - 60
255 Vijaya Engineering College, Wyra Road, Ammapalem, Konijerla, Near Tanikella, Khammam Dist. - 507 305. Khammam CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
ME - 60
256 Amrita Sai Institute of Science & Technology, Near 135' Hanuman Statue, Paritala Road, NH-9, Amrita Sai Nagar, Kanchikacharla, Krishna Dist.,-521 180. Krishna CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 120
IT - 60
257 Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering & Technology, Polytechnic Post Office, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. - 520 008. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
258 Daita Mahdusudana Sastry Sri Venkateswara Hindu (DMSSVH) College of Engineerin, Pothipalli, Machilipatnam-521002, Krishna. Krishna CO NM 1980 ANU CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 30
259 Devineni Venkata Ramana & Dr.Himasekhar MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, Krishna-521180. Krishna CO NM 2002 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
BIO - 60
260 Dhanekula Institute of Engineering & Technology, Ganguru Village, Penmaluru Mandal, Krishna Dist. Krishna CO NM 2009 ANU CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
261 DJR College of Engineering & Technology, Velpur (V), Via Gudavalli, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist.-521104. Krishna CO NM 2009 JNTUK ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
262 DJR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Velpur (V), Via gudavalli, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. - 521 104. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
263 Gandhiji Institute of Science & Technology, Bhimavaram (V), Near Jaggayyapet, Vatsavi, Krishna Dist. - 521 178 Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
264 Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru - 521 356, Krishna Dist. Krishna CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 90
ME - 120
CIV - 60
265 Gurindapalli Devananda Mary Memorial (GDMM) College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Nandigama (V&M), Krishna Dist - 521185 Krishna W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
266 Lakireddy Balireddy College of Engineering, L.B.Reddy Nagar, Mylavaram, Krishna Dist.-521230. (424, 09.05.08 for 08-09) Krishna CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 120
EIE - 60
267 Montessori Siva Sivani Institute of Science & Technology, Mailavaram, Mailavaram (M), Krishna Dist. - 521 230 Krishna CO NM 2008 ANU CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
268 Mother Theresa Educational Society Group of Institutions, Nunna Village, Vijayawada Rural Mandal, Krishna Dist - 521 212 Krishna CO NM 2010 JNTUK CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
269 MVR College of Engineering & Technology, Besides Hanuman Statue & MH-9, Paritala, Krishna Dist. - 521180 Krishna CO NM 2008 ANU CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
270 Nimra College of Engineering & Technology, Jupudi, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada, Krishna - 521 456. Krishna CO MM 1997 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
271 Nimra Institute of Science & Technology, Jupudi, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada, Krishna dist.-521456. Krishna CO MM 2006 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
Aero - 60
272 Nimra Women's College of Engineering, Nimra Nagar, Jupudi - 521 456, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist., Krishna W NM JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 90
273 Nova College of Engineering & Technology, Ibrahimpatnam (M), Krishna Dist - 521 105 Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
274 Nova College of Enineering & Technology for Women, Judpudi, Ibrahimpatnam, Krishna Dist Krishna W NM 2005 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
275 NRI Institute of Technology, Pothavarappadu (V), Via Nunna Agiripalli, Krishna Dist. - 521 212 Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
276 Paladugu Parvathidevi College of Engineering & Technology, Surampalli (V), Gannavaram (M), Krishna Dist - 521 212. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
277 Potti Sriramulu College of Engineering & Technology, Kothapeta, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist. - 520 001. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
278 Prasad Institute of Technology & Science, Vidyanagar, Jaggayyapet, Krishna Dist., Krishna CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
279 Prasad V Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Kanuru, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist.-007. Krishna CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 90
ME - 60
CIV - 60
ECM - 60
280 RK College of Engineering, R.S.No.52, 53, Navepotavaram (V), Ketana Konda, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada -521 456. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
281 Sarojini Institute of Technology, Telaprolu (V), Unguturu (M), Krishna Dist. - 521 109 Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
282 Sree Vahini Institute of Science & Technology, Nadim Tiruvuru, Beside Ganesh Temple, By Pass Road, Tiruvuru, Krishna Dist - 521 235. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
283 Sri Sarathi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nuzvid - 521201, | Krishna Dist., Krishna CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 60
284 Sri Sunflower College of Engineering & Technology, Lankapalli, Ghantasala, Krishna Dist., Krishna CO NM 2005 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
285 Sri Vani School of Engineering, Chevuturu Village G.Konduru Mandal, Krishna Dist Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
286 Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nandamuru Pedana (M), Krishna Dist - 521 369 Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
287 Sri Viveka Institute of Technology, Vivek Nagar, Madalavarigudem, Gannavaram (M), Krishna Dist.-521 212. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
288 SRK Institute of Technology, NH-5, Enikepadu, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist., - 521108. Krishna CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 120
IT - 60
CIV - 90
289 Usha Rama College of Engineering & Technology, Rs.Nos.1278, 1287, 1288, Tellaprolu (V), Unguturu (M), Krishna Dist. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
290 Vijaya Institute of Technology for Women, Enikepadu, Vijayawada-521108, Krishna Dist. Krishna W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
291 Vikas College of Engineering & Technology, Nunna (V), Vijayawada Rural, Krishna Dist. - 521 212. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
292 VKR & VNB Engineering College, Eluru Road, Gudivada, Krishna Dist. - 521 301. Krishna CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
293 VR Siddhartha Engineering College, Kanuru, Vijayawada - 520 007, Krishna Dist. Krishna CO NM 1977 ANU CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 120
CIV - 120
294 Alfa College of Engineering and Technology, Kandukur Metta, Allagadda - 518 543, Kurnool Dist. Kurnool CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
BIO - 60
295 AVR & SVR College of Engineering & Technology, Ayyalur, Nandyal, Kurnool Dist., Kurnool CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
296 AVR & SVR Engineering College, Nannur (V), Oravakal (M), Kurnool Dist. Kurnool CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
297 Bheema Institute of Technology & Science, Mandigiri (V), Adoni, Kurnool Dist. - 518 301 Kurnool CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
298 Brindavan Institute of Technology & Science, NH-7, Peddatekurm, Kurnool Dist. - 518 218. Kurnool CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
299 Dr. K.V. Subba Reddy College of Engineering For Women, Opp: Dupadu R.S. Kallur (M), Kurnool Dist - 518 218 Kurnool W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 90
300 Dr.KV Subba Reddy Institute of Technology, Opp.Dupadu R.S., N.H.7, Laxmipuram, Kallur (M), Kurnool Dist. - 518 218. Kurnool CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
301 G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, G.Pullareddy Nagar, Nandyal Road, Kurnool - 518002. Kurnool CO NM 1985 SKU CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 120
CIV - 120
302 G.Pullaiah College of Engineering & Technology, Nandikotkur Road, Pasupula, Opp.Jeevasudha Church, Venkayapalle, Kurnool - 518002. Kurnool CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
303 Indira Priyadarshini College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Nannur (V), Oravakal (M), Kurnool Dist - 518023 Kurnool W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
304 Kottam College of Engineering, Chinnatekur, Kallur, Kurnool - 518 218. Kurnool CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 120
Aero - 60
305 Kottam Karunakara Reddy Institute of Technology, Chinna Tekuru (V), Kallur (M), Kurnool Dist. - 518 218. Kurnool CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
306 Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering & Technology, Nandyal, Kurnool - 518 501. Kurnool CO NM 1995 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 60
EIE - 60
CIV - 60
307 Ravindra College of Engineering For Women, nandikotkur Road, Pasupala (V), Kurnool Dist - 518 002. Kurnool W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 90
308 Safa College of Engineering & Technology, Thandrapadu (V), Panchalingala, Kurnool Dist., Kurnool CO MM 2002 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
309 Santhiram Engineering College, NH-18, Nandyal, Kurnool dist Kurnool CO NM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
310 Srinivasa College of Engineering & Technology, NH-7, Near Sakshi Paper, Lakshmi Puram, Kurnool Kurnool CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
311 St.John's College of Engineering & Technology, Yerrakota, Yemmiganur, Kurnool Dist - 518 360. Kurnool CO CM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
312 Stanley Stephen College of Engineering & Technology, Panchalinga, Kurnool Dist., Kurnool CO CM 2007 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
313 Syamaladevi Institute of Technology for Women, NH-18, Nandyal, Kurnool Dist. - 518 501. Kurnool W NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
314 Cyberabad Institute of Technology, Kammadanam (V), Shadnagar (M), Mahabubnagar Dist. Mahabubnagar CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
CIVIL - 60
315 Gayatri Institute of Technology & Sciences, Rajapet, Wanaparthy, Mahabubnagar Dist. - 509 103 Mahabubnagar CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIVIL - 60
316 Jaya Prakash Narayan College of Engineering, Dharmapur, Mahaboobnagar - 509 001. Mahabubnagar CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
317 Jaya Prakash Narayan Educational Society Group of Institutions - School of Engineering, 3-81, Christian Pally (V), Boothpur Road, Mahabubnagar Dist. - 509001. Mahabubnagar CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
318 Noor College of Engineering & Technology, Noor Gate, Solipur, Amangal Road, Shadnagar-509216, Mahabubnagar dist. Mahabubnagar CO MM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 30
CIV - 40
319 Sree Visveswaraya Institute of Technology & Science, Chowdarpally, Devarakadra (M), Mahabubnagar - 509204. Mahabubnagar CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 40
IT - 60
ME - 40
CIV - 40
320 Sri Kottam Tulasi Reddy Memorial College of Engg., Kondair, Itikyal(M), Mahabubnagar Dist. - 509 125. Mahabubnagar CO NM 2000 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
321 Sri Nagoji Rao Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Thirumala Hills, Appannapally. Mahabubnagar CO W 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
EIE - 90
322 TRV College of Engineering & Technology, Undavalli (V), Manopad (M), Mahabubnagar Dist- 509 153 Mahabubnagar CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIVIL - 60
323 Vivekananda Institute of Science & Information Technology, Sy.No.773, Chatanpally (V), Farooqnagar, Shadnagar, Mahaboobnagar Dist.-509 216. Mahabubnagar CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
324 DVR College of Engineering and Technology, Kasipur, Kandi, Sangareddy, Medak Dist. - 502 283. Medak CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 40
IT - 60
ME - 60
CHE - 40
325 Ellenki College of Engineering & Technology, Shinnagudavelly, Burugupalli, Siddipet, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist. - 502 103. Medak CO CM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
EIE - 30
326 Ellenki College of Engineering for Women, Patelguda (V), Near BHEL, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist. Medak W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 30
IT - 60
327 Gopal Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Pedda Kanjerla (V), Patancheru (M), Medak Dist.-502 319 Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
328 Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ponnal, Siddipet (M), Medak Dist. - 502 277. Medak CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
CIV - 60
329 Maheshwara Engineering College, Chitkul, Isnapur X Road, Patencheru, Medak Dist. - 502307. Medak CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 90
CIV - 60
330 Maheshwara Institute of Technology, Chitkul, Isnapur X Road, Patencheru, Medak Dist.-502 307 Medak CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 60
Aero - 60
331 Medak College of Engineering & Technology, Kondapak, Siddipet, Medak Dist., - 502732 Medak CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 59
ECE - 59
EEE - 59
IT - 30
CIV - 60
332 MNR College of Engineering & Technology, MNR Nagar, Narsapur Road, Fasalwadi, Sangareddy, Medak Dist. Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
Aero - 60
333 Padmasri Dr.B.V.Raju Institute of Technology, Vishnupur, Narsapur, Medak Dist - 502 313. Medak CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CHE - 60
BME - 30
334 Prof. Rama Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Nandigama (V), Patancheru, Medak Dist. - 502 300 Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
335 Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Wargal Village, Medak Mandal Medak CO NM 2009 JNTUH ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
336 Pulla Reddy Institute of Technology, wargal Village, wargal taluk, Medak - 502 278 Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
IT - 60
Aero - 60
337 RRS College of Engineering & Technology, Muthangi, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist. - 502 300. Medak CO NM 2003 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
BIO - 60
338 Sri YPR College of Engineering and Technology, Haveli Ghanpur, Medak-502113. Medak CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
339 SSR Engineering College, Chinnagundavelli (V), Siddipet, Medak Dist. - 502 107. Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
340 SSR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patelguda (V), Near BHEL, Patancheru, Medak Dist.- 502 319. Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
341 Syed Hashim College of Science & Technology, Pregnapur, Gajwel, Medak Dist., - 502 311. Medak CO MM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 30
ME - 90
342 TRR College of Engineering & Technology, Inole (V), Patancheru (M), Medak Dist - 502 319 Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
CIV - 60
343 TRR College of Engineering, TRR Nagar, Inole, Patancheru (M) Medak Dist. - 502 319. Medak CO CM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
344 TRR Engineering College for Women, TRR Nagar, Inole, Patancheru (M) Medak Dist. - 502 319. Medak W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
345 TRR Engineering College, Sy.No.39, TRR Nagar, Inole, Patancheru (M), Medak Dist. - 502 319. Medak CO CM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
346 Turbomachinary Institute of Technology & Sciences, Indersham (V), Patancheu (M), Medak Dist. 502 319 Medak CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 90
ME - 90
347 Adusumalli Vijaya College of Engineering & Research Centre, Mysireddypalle, Bommalaramaram, Nalgonda - 508 126. Nalgonda CO CM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
348 Adusumalli Vijaya Institute of Technology & Research Centre (St.Kenneth Haney College of Engg.), Mysireddypalle, Bommalaramaram, Nalgonda - 508 126. Nalgonda CO CM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
349 Anasuya Devi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Gudur (V), Bibinagar (M), Nalgonda dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
350 Anurag Engineering College, Anantagiri, Kodad(M) - 508206, Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 90
ME - 30
CIV - 60
351 Aravindaksha Educational Society's Group of Institutions, Balemla (V), Suryapet (M), Nalgonda Dist.-508376 Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIV - 60
352 Ashok Institute of Engineering & Technology, Malkapur, Choutuppal (M), Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
353 Aurora's Engineering College, Bommaipally, Raigiri, Bhongir(M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 116. Nalgonda CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
354 EVR College of Engineering & Technology, Peddeparvathapur (V) Bommalaramaram (M), Nalgonda Dist Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
355 Gandhi Academy of Technological Education, Ramapuram (V), Chilukuru (M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 206. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
356 Gate School of Engineering ( Sri sai Educational Society's Group of Institutions), Ramapuram (V), Kodad (P), Chilkur (M), Nalgonda Dist.-508206 Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
357 GSR Group of Institutions, , Rangapur (V),Near Keesara, Bommala Ramaram, Nalgonda Dist. - 508 126 Nalgonda CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
358 Gurukul Group of Instituitions, Sy.No.73&74, Bibinagar, Nalgonda Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
359 Joseph Sriharsha & Mary Indraja Educational Society's Group of Instituitions, St.Mary's School of technology & Research , Deshmukhi (V), Pochampally (M) Nalgonda Dist Nalgonda CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
360 Kamakshi College of Engineering & Technology, Durajpalli (V), Chivvemla (M), Suryapet, Nalgonda Dist. 508 214 Nalgonda CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
361 KBR Engineering College, Pagidipalli (V) (Bibinagar), Bhovanagiri (M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 126. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
362 Khader Memorial College of Engineering & Technology, Kondabheemanapally, Devarakonda, Nalgonda dist,- 508248 Nalgonda CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 60
363 Kodada Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Near Rangani Gudi, Ananthagiri Road, Kodada, Nalgonda Dist. - 508 206. Nalgonda W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 30
364 Madhira College of Engineering, Madhiranagar, Paleannaram (V), Chilkur (M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 238. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
365 Madhira Institute of Technology & Science, Madhira Nagar, Paleannaram, Chilkur, Kodad, Nalgonda-508238 Nalgonda CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 60
366 Matrix Institute of Technology, Cheekatimamidi (V), Mommalaramaram (M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 116 Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
367 Medha College of Engineering, Laxmi Devi gudem, Bibinagar, Nalgonda Dist.-508 126. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
368 Mina Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Miryalaguda, Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
369 Mona College of Engineering & Technology, Gollaguda, Nalgonda Dist., Nalgonda CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 30
370 Nagarjuna Institute of Technology & Science, SBI Complex, Srinivasanagar, Miryalguda, Nalgonda Dist.-508207 Nalgonda CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
371 Nalgonda Institute of Technology & Sciences, Charlapally (V), Hyderabad Road, Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
372 Netaji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tupranpet, Near Ramoji Film City, Choutuppal (M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 252. Nalgonda CO CM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
373 New Netaji Institute of Technology, Toopranpet, Near Ramoji Film City, Choutuppal (M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 252 Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
374 Nizam Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.187,188,189, Near RFC, Deshmukhi, Pochampally, Nalgonda dist.,-508284. Nalgonda CO MM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
375 Progressive Engineering College, ChikatiMamidi, Bhongir(v), Bommalaramaram, Nalgonda Dist- 508 116. Nalgonda CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
376 Ramananda Thirtha Engineering College, Ramanada Nagar, Cherlagowraram (V), Kangal, Nalgonda Dist.- 508 004 Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
377 Sana College of Engineering Technological & Research Institute, NH-9, Kodad, Nalgonda Dist. - 508 206. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
378 Sana Engineering College, NH-9, Kodad, Nalgonda - 508206. Nalgonda CO NM 2003 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
379 Sree Vaanmayi Insitute of Engineering Technology, Annamptal(V), Bibinagar (M), Nalgonda Dist. 508 126 Nalgonda CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
380 Sri Sarada Institute of Science & Technology, Anantharam, Near Bibinagar, Bhongir (M), Nalgonda dist.-508116. Nalgonda CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
381 Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, NH-9, Amaravadhi Nagar, Suryapet, Nalgonda Dist.-508213. Nalgonda CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 40
ME - 60
382 St.Mary's Engineering College, Deshmukhi, Pochampally, Nalgonda Dist.-508284. Nalgonda CO CM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
383 St.Mary’s College of Engineering & Technology, Yemmiganur, Deshmukhi, Pochampally, Nalgonda Dist. - 508284. Nalgonda CO CM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
384 Swami Ramanandha Tirtha Institute of Science & Technology, SLBC Post, Ramananda Nagar, Nalgonda Dist., - 508 004. Nalgonda CO NM 1996 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
EIE - 60
385 Tudi Narsimha Reddy Institute of Technology & Sciences, Gudur (V), Bibinagar (M), Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
386 Tudi Ram Reddy Institute of Technology & Sciences, Gudur (V), Bibinagar (M), Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
387 Vathsalya Institute of Science & Technology, Anantharam, Bhongir (M), Nalgonda - 508 116. Nalgonda CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
388 Vignan Institute of Technology & Science, Vignan Hills, Deshmukhi, Pochampalli(M), Nalgonda Dist. - 508 284. Nalgonda CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
EIE - 60
389 Vignan's Institute of Technology & Aeronautical Engineering, Vignan Hills, Deshmukhi (V), Pochampally (M), Nalgonda Dist - 508 284 Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
Aero - 60
390 Vishnusree Institute of Technology, Yavapur, H/o. Jatalpur (V), Bommalaramaram (M), Nalgonda Dist. Nalgonda CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
391 Atmakur Engineering College, Nellorepalem (V), Atmakur (M), SPSR Nellore Dist. - 524 322 Nellore CO NM 2010 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
IT - 60
CIVIL - 60
392 Audisankara College of Engineering & Technology, NH-5, Bypass Road, Vindhur, Gudur-524 101, Nellore Dist. Nellore CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
CIV - 60
393 Audisankara Institute of Technology, NH-5, By-pass Road, Gudur, Nellore - 524 101 Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
394 AVS College of Engineering & Technology, AVS Nagar, ABS Kandriga, Chowtapalem Panchayat, Veeranna Kanupur, Venkatachalam, Nellore-524320 Nellore CO NM 2002 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 60
395 Brahmaiah College of Engineering, North Raju Palem, Kadavaluru (M), Nellore Dist.-524 366. Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
396 Damisetty Bala Suresh Institute of Technology, Maddurupadu (V) Kavali (M), SPSR Nellore Dist -524201. Nellore CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
397 Geethanjali Institute of Science & Technology, 3rd Mile, Nellore Bombay Highway, Gangavaram, Kovuru, Nellore Dist - 524 137 Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
398 Gokula Krishna College of Engineering, Behind RTC Depot, Sullurpet, Nellore Dist., - 524121. Nellore CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
399 Jagan's College of Engineering & Technology, Chavatapalem (V), Venkatachal, Nellore Dist. Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
400 KSN Institute of Technology, Kovur (V & M), Nellore Dist -524137. Nellore CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
401 Malineni Lakshmaiah Institute of Engineering & Technology, Near Ramannapalem, North Raju Palem (V), Kodavaluru, Nellore Dist.-524 366. Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
402 Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Institute of Technology & Science, Udayagiri, Nellore Dist., - 524 226. Nellore CO NM 2002 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
403 Narayana Engineering College, Gunduru Durjati Nagar, Gudur, Nellore Dist., - 524 101. Nellore CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
404 Narayana Engineering College, Narayana Avenue, N.C.Factory, Opp. Apollo Hospital, A.K. Nagar, Nellore - 524 004. Nellore CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
EIE - 60
ECM - 60
405 NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar, Nellore Dist.-524413. Nellore CO NM 1979 SVU CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
EIE - 60
406 Parvathareddy Babul Reddy (PBR) Visvodaya Institute of Technology & Science, Kavali-524201, Nellore Dist., Nellore CO NM 1998 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
407 Priyadarshini College of Engineering & Technology, Kanuparthipadu, A.K.Nagar, Nellore-524004. Nellore CO NM 2005 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
408 Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Sullurpet, Nellore Dist., - 524 121 Nellore CO NM 2001 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
409 Priyadarshini Institute of Technology, Kaknuparthipadu, A.K.Nagar(P), Nellore-524004 Nellore CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
410 Quba College of Engineering & Technology, Kanpur Bit-I, Venkatachalam, Nellore Dist., - 524 320. Nellore CO MM 2002 JNTUA CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
411 Rami Reddy Subbarami Reddy Engineering College, Kadanthula (V), Bogole (M), Nellore Dist - 524 201 Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
412 SKR College of Engineering & Technology, Konduru Satram (V), Manubolu (M), Nellore Dist - 524405 Nellore CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
413 Sri Padmavathi Engineering College, Kavali, Nellore Dist Nellore CO NM 2009 JNTUA CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
414 Sri Raghavendra Institute of Science & Technology, Kavali Udayagiri Road, Vinjamur (P&M), Nellore dist.-524 228. Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
415 Visvodaya Engineering College, Visvodaya Campus, Kavali (M), Nellore Dist. - 524 201. Nellore CO NM 2008 JNTUA CSE - 60
ECE - 120
IT - 60
CIV - 60
416 Arkay College of Engineering & Technology, Sivar Achanapally, Pandu Tarfa, Achanapally, Bodhan (M), Nizamabad Dist., Nizamabad CO MM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 45
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
417 Dairy Technology Program, C/o.Govt. Degree College, Kamareddy, Nizamabad Dist. Nizamabad CO Univ. 2008 OU Dairy - 25
418 Gnyana Saraswati College of Engineering & Technology, Dharmaram, Dichpally, Nizamabad Dist. - 503 001. Nizamabad CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
419 Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Manikbhandar Village, Makloor Mandal, Nizamabad Dist. Nizamabad W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
CIV - 60
420 Kamareddy Engineering College, Devanpally, Kamareddy (M), Nizamabad Dist., Nizamabad CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
421 Kshatriya College of Engineering, Chepur, NH-16, Armoor, Perkit, Nizamabad Dist. - 503 224. Nizamabad CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
422 Srinivasa Reddy Institute of Technology, Munipally, Jakrampalli, Nizamabad Dist., - 503 224. Nizamabad W NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
423 Sudheer Reddy College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Bardipur (V), Dichpally (M), Nizamabad Dist. - 503 001. Nizamabad CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 90
424 Vijay College of Engineering for Women, Manikbhandar, Nizamabad-503003. Nizamabad W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
425 Vijay Institute of Technology & Science, Markal, Sadasivnagar, Kamareddy, Nizamabad-503145. Nizamabad CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 60
IT - 60
426 Vijay Rural Engineering College, Das Nagar, Makloor, Rochis Valley, Manikbhandar, Nizamabad Dist. - 503 003. Nizamabad CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
427 A1 Global Institute of Engineering & Technology, H.No.1/94, Court Centre, Markapur, Prakasam Dist. Prakasam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
428 ABR College of Engineering & Technology, China Irlapadu (V), Kanigiri (M), Prakasam Dist.-523 254 Prakasam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
429 Buchepalli Venkayamma Subbareddy Engineering College, Chimakurthy (V&M), Prakasam Dist. - 523 226. Prakasam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
430 Chirala Engineering College, Kothapeta, Vetapalem, Chirala, Ramapuram Beach Road, Prakasam dist. - 523 155. Prakasam CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 30
EIE - 30
431 Dr.Samuel George Institute of Engineering & Technology, P.B.No.9, George Town, Darimadugu, Thokapally, Markapur, Prakasam Dist.,-523316. Prakasam CO NM 1997 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CHE - 40
432 Indira Institute of Technology & Science, Darmadugu (V), Markapur Mandal, Prakasam Dist. Prakasam CO NM 2009 JNTUK ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
433 Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Devarajigattu (V), Peddaraveedu (M), Prakasam - 523 320. Prakasam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
434 Malineni Lakshmaiah Engineering College, Kanumalla, Singarayakonda-523 101, Prakasam Dist., Prakasam CO NM 1999 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
435 Nimra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Yedugundlapadu - 523262, Ongole, Prakasam dist., Prakasam CO MM 2007 ANU CSE - 90
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
436 PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences, Vallur (V), NH-5, Ongole, Prakasam Dist - 523 001. Prakasam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
437 Prakasam Engineering College, O.V.Road, Kandukur, Kanigiri Road, Prakasam Dist., - 523 105. Prakasam CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 90
438 QIS College of Engineering & Technology, Vengamukkapalem, Pondur Road, Ongole-523272, Prakasam Dist., Prakasam CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 120
439 QIS Institute of Technology, Vengamukkapalem, Pondur Road, Ongole, Prakasam Dist - 523 272 Prakasam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
440 Rao & Naidu Engineering College, | Near South By-pass Road, Ongole-523001, Prakasam Dist. Prakasam CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
441 RISE Gandhi Group of Institutions, Valluru Village, Tanguturu Mandal, Prakasam Dist. Prakasam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
442 RISE Prakasam Group of Institutions, Valluru Village, Tanguturu Mandal, Prakasam Dist. Prakasam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
443 Sri Satya Narayana (SSN) Engineering College, Kurnool Road, Ongole, Prakasam Dist., - 523 225. Prakasam CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
444 Sri Veeravenkata Satyanarayana (SVVSN) Engg. Coll., Ongole, Santhanutalapadu, Prakasam-523225. Prakasam CO NM 2004 ANU CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
445 St.Ann's College of Engineering & Technology, Nayunipalli, Challareddipalem, Vetapalem (M), Chirala, Prakasam Dist. - 523 187. Prakasam CO CM 2001 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
ME - 30
446 St.Ann's Engineering College, Nayunipalli (V), Challareddypalem Vetapalem, Chirala, Prakasam Dist.-523 187 Prakasam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
EIE - 60
447 VRS & YRN College of Engineering & Technology, Vodarevu Road, Chirala - 523 157, Prakasam Dist. Prakasam CO NM 1951 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
448 ACE Engineering College, Sy.No.175&181, Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R.Dist.,-501301. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
449 Al-Habeeb College of Engineering & Technology, Damergidda, Chevella (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 403. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
ME - 60
EIE - 60
450 Amina Institute of Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, 501401, R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
CIV - 60
451 Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science, Piglipur, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar(M), R.R.Dist.-501512. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
452 Anurag College of Engineering, Aushapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R. Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
453 Anwar-Ul-Uloom College of Engineering & Technology, Yennepally, Yenkapally, Vikarabad, R.R. dist., Rangareddy CO MM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
454 Arjun College of Technology & Science, Sy.No.376/7, Mount Opera Premises, Near RFC, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 512. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
455 Aryabhata Institute of Technology & Science, Srisailam Highway, Mohabath Nagar (V), Maheshwaram (M), R.R. Dist - 509 359 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
456 Asifia College of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.185 & 186, Chintulla, Ibrahimpatnam, Yacharam, R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
457 Aurora’s Scientific and Technological Institute, Gagillapur, Quthbullapur (M), R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO CM 2003 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
BIO - 60
AERO - 60
458 Aurora’s Technological & Research Institute (Karshak Engg.,) Parvathapur, Ghatkesar, R.R.Dist.,-500 039. Rangareddy CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
BIO - 60
459 Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunthapally, Mazidpur, Hayathnagar, R.R. dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
460 Avanthi's Scientific Technological & Research Academy, Gunthapally (V), Hayathnagar (M), R.R. Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
461 AVN Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patel Guda Grampanchayat, Ragannaguda (P), Mangalpally(V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), Ranga Reddy Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
462 Ayaan College of Engineering & Technology, Kanakmamidi (V), Moinabad (M), R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
463 Azad College of Engineering & Technology, Peddamangalaram, Mudimyal, Chevella, Moinabad, R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO MM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
CIV - 60
464 Bandari Srinivas Institute of Technology, Gollapalli, Kummere, Chevella, R.R. dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2003 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 30
465 Basavaraju krishna Bai (Laxmi) Educational Society Group of Institutions, Gayathri Nagar, Nomula (V) Manchal Mandal, Near Ibrahimpatnam, RR District Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
466 Bharat Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangalpalli, Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 510. Rangareddy CO CM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
BIO - 60
AERO - 60
CIV - 60
467 Bharat Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Mangalpally (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R. Dist.-501 510 Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 90
468 Brilliant Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus), Abullapur (V), Hayatnagar (M), Ranga Reddy Dist.-501582. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
469 Brilliant Institute of Engineering & Technology, Abdullapur (V), Hayatnagar, R.R.Dist.- 501 582 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
470 CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.66,67,82,91,92 & 115/D, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, R.R.dist. - 501401. (Minority cancelled from 08-09) Rangareddy CO CM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 60
BIO - 30
CIV - 120
471 CMR Engineering College, Kandlakoya (V), Medchal (M), R.R. Dist. 501 401 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
ME - 60
472 CMR Institute of Technology, Kandlakoya, Medchal Road, R.R.Dist. - 501 401. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 120
473 CMRTES School of Engineering (E & TS), CMR Technical Education Society Group of Institutions, Kandlkoya (V), Medchal (M), R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
Aero - 60
474 CRV Institute of Technology & Science, Sy.No.800/Part, 808/A/B Parts, Lalgadi Malakpet (V), Shamirpet (M), R.R. Dist. - 500 078. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 30
CIV - 60
475 CVR College of Engineering, Vastu Nagar, S.No.315, Mangalpalli, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.dist.-501510. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
EIE - 60
476 CVSR College of Engineering, Venkatapur, Korremul, Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
CHEM - 60
477 Dr.VRK Women’s College of Engineering & Technology, Aziznagar, Moinabad, R.R.Dist., Rangareddy W MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
478 DRK College of Engineering & Technology, Bowrampet, Qutbullapur (M), R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
CIV - 60
479 DRK Institute of Science & Technology, Bowrampet, Qutbullapur, R.R.Dist.-500043. Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 120
ME - 30
480 Geetanjali Institute of Science & Technology, Aziz Nagar (V&P), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist.-500 075. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
481 Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.33 & 34, Cheeryal, Keesara (M), R.R. Dist.-501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
482 Global Group of Institutions, Batasingaram (V), Hayathnagar (M), Ranga Reddy Dist. 501 511 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
483 Global Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.179/195, Chilkur, Moinabad, R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
484 Guru Nanak Engineering College, Sur.No.67/10, Khanapur, Manchal, Nagarjunasagar Road, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.-501506. Rangareddy CO SM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 120
Aero - 60
CIV - 90
485 Guru Nanak Institute of Technology (JSN College of Engg. & Tech.,) Khanapur, Manchal (M), R.R.Dist.,(G.O.620) Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
486 Harshith Group of Institutions, Mankal (V), Maheswaram (M), Ranga Reddy Dist. 501 359 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
487 Hasvita Inst.of Science & Technology, Keesara, R.R. Dist. 501 301 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
488 Hasvita Institute of Engineering & Technology (HIET), Temple Road, Keesara, R.R.Dist.-501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
489 Hasvita Institute of Management & Technology, Keesara, R.R.Dist.-501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
490 Hi-Point College of Engineering & Technology, Chilkur, Moinabad, R.R. Dist., Rangareddy CO MM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
491 Holy Mary Institute of Technology & Science, Bogaram, Keesara, Ranga Reddy Dist.-501301. Rangareddy CO CM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 120
ME - 30
492 Holy Mary Institute of Technology, Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), R.R. Dist.-501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 30
493 Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management, (Formerly Royal College of Engg.) Gowdevaly, Medchal (M), R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
494 Jagruti Institute of Engineering & Technology (Formerly KNR college of Engg. & Tech.) Chinthapalliguda (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R. Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
495 Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology, Adarsh Farm, Mangalpally, Patelguda, Ibrahimpatan, R.R Dist.,-501510. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
496 JB Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.220, Yenkapally, Moinabad (M), R.R.Dist., - 500 075. Rangareddy CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 120
BIO - 60
CIV - 60
BME - 60
497 JJ Institute of Information Technology, Maheswaram (V), R.R. Dist.- 501 359. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
498 Joginpally B R Engineering College, Sy.No.220, Himayatnagar, Yenkapally, Moinabad, R.R. Dist. - 500 075. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
BIO - 60
499 Jyothismathi College of Engineering & Technology, Thurkapally, Shamirpet, R.R.Dist. - 500 078. Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
AERO - 60
500 K.G. Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Chilkur (V), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist - 501 504 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
501 Kasireddy Narayan Reddy College of Engineering & Research, Abdullapur (V), Hayathnagar, R.R. Dist. - 501 582 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
502 KITE College of Professional Engineering Sciences, Shabad, Shabad (M), R.R. Dist. - 509 217 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
503 KITE Women's College of Professional Engineering Sciences, Shabad, Shabad (M), R.R. Dist. - 509 217 Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
IT - 60
504 Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology, Edulabad (V), Ghanapur GP., Ghatkesar, R.R. Dist Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
505 Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology & Engineering, Sy.No.23 & 39, Edulabad, Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist.-501301. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
506 Madhira Educational Society Group of Instituitions, Koheda (V), Hayathnagar (M), RR Dist Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
507 Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Maisammaguda, Dhulapally, Gundlapochampally, Medchal (M), R.R. Dist.-500014. Rangareddy CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 60
AERO - 120
508 Malla Reddy College of Engineering for Women, Sy.No.43, 46, 47, 48, 53, 113, 114, 115, 116, 128, 130, Suraram 'X' Road, Quthubullapur Municipality, R.R. Dist Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
509 Malla Reddy Engineering College, Sy.No.593, 594, Dhulapally, Gundla Pochampally, Maisammaguda, Medchal, R.R.Dist. - 500 014. Rangareddy CO CM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 120
CIV - 120
510 Malla Reddy Institute of Technology & Science, Sy.No.640-646, Mysammaguda, Dhulapally, Gundlapochampally, Medchal, R.R. Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
CIV - 60
511 Mannan Institute of Science & Technology, Sy.No.228 & 229, Aloor, Chevella (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 503. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
Auto - 60
512 Marconi Institute of Technology, Mudimyal (V), Chevella (M), R.R. Dist. - 501 503 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
IT - 60
513 Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology and Management, Marri Laxman Reddy School of Engineering, Dundigal, Qutbullapur (M), R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
Aero - 60
514 Megha Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Sy.No.7, Edulabad, Ghatkesar (M), R.R. Dist. - 501 301. Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
515 MN Rao Women's Engineering College, Amdapur 'X' Road, Yenkapally (V), Himayatnagar (P), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist. Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
516 Murthy Institute of Technology & Science, Ankireddypally, Keesara, R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
517 Nagole Institute of Technology & Science, Kuntloor Village, Hayathnagar Mandal, R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
518 Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College, 7-01, Divyanagar, Kachvanisingaram, Ghatkesar, R.R.Dist.-501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
519 Nalla Narasimha Reddy Educational Society's Group of Institutions, Chowdariguda, Korremula (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist.-500088. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
520 Narsimha Reddy Engineering College, Sy.No.518, Maisammaguda, Gundlapochampally, Medchal (M), R.R. Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
521 New India College of Engineering & Technology, Gollapalli, Chevella, R.R. Dist., Rangareddy CO MM 2006 OU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
522 Nexus College of Science & Technology, Yacharam (V), R.R. Dist - 501 509 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
523 Nishitha College of Engineering & Technology, Lemoor, Kandukur (M), | R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2003 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
524 Noble College Engineering & Technology for Women, Nadargul (V), Saroornagar (M), R.R. Dist. Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
IT - 90
525 Nova College of Engineering & Technology, (MKR & MVN), Sy.No.315, 316, 317, Jafferguda, Batasingaram, Hayathnagar (M), R.R.Dist.-501 512. Rangareddy CO CM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 90
526 Nova Group of Institutions, Jafferguda, Batasingaram (V), Hayathnagar (M), R.R. Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
PROD - 60
527 Nova Institute of Technological Research for Women, Jafferguda, Batasingaram (V), Hayathnagar, R.R.Dist. Rangareddy W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
528 NRI Institute of Technology, Srisailam Highway, Kothur Village, R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
529 P.Indra Reddy Memorial Engineering College, Chevella, R.R.Dist. - 501 503. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
530 Princeton College of Engineering & Technology, Ankushapur, Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
531 Princeton institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Korremula (V), Ghatkesar (M), RR Dist - 501301 Rangareddy W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
532 PRRM Engineering College, Shabad, R.R.Dist. - 509 217. Rangareddy CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
533 Pujya Shri Madhavanji College of Engineering & Technology, Bhagavathipuram, Mohabatnagar, Tummuluru G.P. Maheswaram, R.R. Dist. - 501 359 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
534 Pujya Shri Madhavanji Institute of Science & Technology, Bhagavathipuram, Mohabatnagar, Tummuluru G.P. Maheswaram, R.R. Dist. - 501 359 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
535 Raja Mahendra College of Engineering, Khalsa, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist., - 501 506. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
536 Royal Institute of Technology & Science, Damergidda, Chevella, R.R.Dist. - 501 503. Rangareddy CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
EIE - 60
537 RVR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sheriguda, Khalsa, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.,-501 510. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
538 Sagar Institute of Technology (SVVR Educational Society Group of Inst.) Urella (V), Chevella (M), Ranga Reddy Dist -501 503. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
539 Sai Sudhir Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Sy.No.112 & 106, Godhumakunta, Keesara Mandal, R.R.Dist.-500 062. Rangareddy W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
540 Samskruti Institute of Engineering & Technology, (St.Vincent) Kondapur, Ghatkesar, R.R. Dist.- 501301. Rangareddy CO CM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
541 Scient Institute of Technology, Sy.No.324,323,326, Khalsa, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.-505. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
CIV - 30
542 Shaaz College of Engineering & Technology, Himayatnagar, Moinabad, R.R. dist., Rangareddy CO MM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
543 Shahjehan College of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.232&239, Nyalata, Ramannaguda Rd, Chevella (M), R.R. Dist.-501 503. Rangareddy CO NM 2003 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 30
544 Siddhartha Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bagayath Ibrahimpatnam, Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R. Dist - 501 506 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
545 Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences, Korremula (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R. Dist. - 501 301 Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
546 SLC's Institute of Engineering & Technology, Piglipur, Hayatnagar,Near Ramoji Film City, R.R.Dist.,-501512. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
547 Sphoorthy Engineering College (Bhagyanagar Inst. of Tech), Nadargul, Saroornagar (M), Near Vanasthalipuram, R.R. Dist.-501510 Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
548 SPR College of Engineering & Technology, Ankushapur, Ghatkesar, R.R.Dist. - 501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
549 Sree Dattha Group of Institutions, Sheriguda (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), Ranga Reddy Dist. 501 510 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 120
ME - 60
550 Sri Chaitanya College of Engineering & Technology, Sheriguda (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M) Ranga Reddy Dist - 501510 Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
551 Sri Datta Institute of Engineering & Science, (Narayanpet Inst.) Sheriguda, Ibrahimpatan, R.R.Dist.-501510. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 120
552 Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology, Main Road, Sheriguda, Ibrahimpatnam, R.R.Dist.-501510. Rangareddy CO CM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 120
Aero - 60
Bio - 60
CIV - 60
553 Sri K.S.Raju Institute of Technology and Science, Kanakamamidi, Moinabad, R.R. Dist., - 501 504. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
554 Srinidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Yamnampet, Ghatkesar, R.R. Dist.,-501301. Rangareddy CO NM 1997 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 120
Bio - 120
ECM - 120
555 SS Institute of Technology, Gandimaisamma X Road, Dundigal, Qutbullapur, R.R.Dist. - 500 043. Rangareddy CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
556 St.Martin's Engineering College, Dulapally, Medchal, R.R. Dist., - 500 014. Rangareddy CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
Bio - 60
CIV - 60
557 St.Peter's Engineering College, Gundlapally, Medchal, R.R. Dist., - 500 014. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
558 Suprabhath College of Engineering & Technology, Vacharam (V) & Mandal, R.R.Dist.-501509. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
559 SV College of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.72/P, Eathabarpally, Moinabad, R.R.Dist. - 501504. Rangareddy CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
560 SV Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sy.No.74/P, Eathaberpally (V), Moinabad (M), R.R.Dist.-501504. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH ECE - 60
ME - 60
AERO - 60
CIV - 60
561 Swathi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Anajpur, Hayatnagar, R.R.Dist. Rangareddy CO NM 2009 OU CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
562 Symbiosis Institute of Technology & Science, Shamirpet, R.R.Dist Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
563 The Younis Sultan College of Engineering, Mudmiyala, Chevella, R.R.Dist., Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 30
ME - 60
564 Tirumala Engineering College, Sy.No.289,290,296,306,Bogaram, Keesara(M), R.R. Dist. - 501301. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
565 Vardhaman College of Engineering, Kacharam, Nanajipur, Shamshabad(M), R.R.Dist. - 501 218. Rangareddy CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
ME - 90
Aero - 60
CIV - 60
566 Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology (Farah College of Engg. & Tech.,) Sur.No.103 &104, Chevella (V), R.R.Dist.-501503. Rangareddy CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 30
IT - 30
ME - 60
CIV - 60
567 Vidyaniketan Inst. of Technology, Sy.No. 103 & 104, Shabad Road, Chevalla, Ranaga Reddy Dist. 501 503 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
568 VIF College of Engineering & Technology, 786, Himayathnagar, Gandipet X Road, Moinabad (M), R.R.dist. - 500 075. Rangareddy CO MM 2001 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
569 Vignan's Institute of Management & Technology for Women, Kondapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist Rangareddy W NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
570 Vignana Bharati Institute of Technology, Aushapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist. - 501 301 Rangareddy CO NM 2004 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
571 Vijaya Krishna Institute of Technology & Science, Palmakula (V), Shamshabad, R.R. Dist.-501 218. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
572 Visvesvaraya College of Engineering & Technology, Patelguda, Ibrahimpatan. R.R. Dist. - 500 009. Rangareddy CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE - 120
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
573 Viswa Bharathi Institute of Technology & Sciences, Nadargul (V) RR Dist- 501510 Rangareddy CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
574 Vivekananda Group of Institutions, Batasingaram (V), Hayathnagar (M), Ranga Reddy Dist.- 501 511 Rangareddy CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
575 Vivekananda's Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), R.R. Dist.,-501 301. Rangareddy CO NM 2006 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
576 VMR Institute of Technology & Management Sciences, Sy.No.652, 653, 654, 658, 656, 721, 722, 726 & 727, Medchal, R.R. Dist.-501 401. Rangareddy CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
577 Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, K.Kotturu, Chakapalli, Tekkali, Srikakulam Dist., - 532201. Srikakulam CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 60
EIE - 60
578 GMR Institute of Technology, GMR Nagar, Doolapet, Rajam, Srikakulam Dist. - 532127. Srikakulam CO NM 1997 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
ME - 120
CIV - 60
CHE - 60
579 Mithra Institute of Technology, Mithra Hospital Complex, Beside KR Stadium, Srikakulam Srikakulam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
580 Prajna Institute of Technology & Management, NH-5, Ramakrishnapuram, Palasa-532243, Ragoi, Via Haripuram, Srikakulam dist., Srikakulam CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE - 90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
581 Sarada Institute of Science Technology & Management, Sy.No.164,165,174,175, 176,177,178 Ampolu Road, Srikakulam - 532 404. Srikakulam CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
ME - 60
582 Sri Sivani College of Engineering, NH-5, Chilakalapalem Jn, Etcherla (M), Srikakulam - 532 402. Srikakulam CO NM 2006 JNTUK CSE - 120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
583 Sri Sivani Institute of Technology, Chilakapalem Jn. Etcherla (M), Srikakulam Dist. - 532 402 Srikakulam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
584 Sri Vaishnavi College of Engineering, Singupuram (V), Srikakulam (M), Srikakulam Dist - 532185. Srikakulam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
585 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology, Etcherla, Srikakulam - 532 402 Srikakulam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
586 Al-Aman College of Engineering, Gudilova, Anandapuram(M), Visakhapatnam - 531 173. Visakhapatnam CO MM 2007 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
587 Al-Ameer College of Engineering & Information Technology, Gudilova, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam dist. - 531 173. Visakhapatnam CO MM 2001 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
588 Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Science, Sanghaivalasa, Bheemunipatnam (M), Visakhapatnam - 531162. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2001 AU CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
589 AU College of Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam CO Univ. 1958 AU CSE - 30
ECE - 30
EEE -30
MET - 30
NMA - 30
590 Avanthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tamaram, Makavarapalem, Narsipatnam, Visakhapatnam - 531 113. Visakhapatnam CO NM 1999 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
591 Chaitanya Engineering College, Kommadi, Chaitanya Valley, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam - 530 041. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
592 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology, NH-5, Gavarapalem, Anakapalle, Visakhapatnam - 531002. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2006 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
593 Dr. Lankapalli Bullaya College of Engineering for Women, D.No. 52-14-75, Resapuvanlpalem, Visakhapatnam - 530 013 Visakhapatnam W NM 2010 AU CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIVIL - 60
594 Gandi Institute of Technology & Management, Pinagadi (V), Pendurthy (M), Visakhapatnam - 531 173 Visakhapatnam CO NM 2009 AU CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
595 Gayathri Vidya Parishad (GVP) College of Engineering, PMP Colony, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam-530 041. Visakhapatnam CO NM 1996 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT -90
CIV - 120
CHE - 60
596 Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering For Women, Sy.No.4, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam - 530 041. Visakhapatnam W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
IT -60
597 Gonna Institute of Information Technology & Sciences, Gonnavani Palem, Aganampudi, Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2009 JNTUK EEE -60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
598 Kaushik College of Engineering, Gambheeram - 531 163, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2006 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 90
IT -60
ME - 60
ANE - 60
599 Nightingale Engineering College (Women), Girijala Village, Anandapuram Mandal, Visakhapatnam Dist. Visakhapatnam W NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
600 Pydah College of Engineering & Technology, Gambheeram, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam - 531 163. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2002 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
601 Raghu Engineering College, Dakamarri, Bheemili, Bheemunipatnam(M), Visakhapatnam -531162. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT -60
602 Raghu institute of Technology, Dakamarri, Bheeminipatnam, Visakhapatnam Dist., Visakhapatnam CO NM 2007 AU CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
603 Sankethika Institute of Technolgy & Management, Pothinamallyyapalem Educational Complex, Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2009 JNTUK EEE -60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
604 Sankethika Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, Pothinamallaya Palem, Visakhapatnam - 530 041. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2003 AU CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 90
605 Simhadri Educational Society Group of Institutions, Sabbavaram to Ankapalli Road, narapadu (V), Sabbvaram (M), Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
606 Sri Chaitanya Engineering College, Kommadi, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
607 The Anakapalle Merchants Associations Kontathala Subramanyam & Immedisetty Kanakarraju College of Technology & Management, Kothuru(V), Anakapalle (M), Visakhapatnam Dist. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2010 AU CSE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
608 Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Educational Trust's Group of Instituitions, 57th Divisions, narva, Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE -120
ME -60
609 Vignan's Institute of Engineering For Women, Jaggarajupeta, Vadlapudi (Post), Visakhapatnam - 530 046 Visakhapatnam W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT -60
610 Vignan's Institute of Informtion Technology, Duvvada, Gajuwaka, Vadlapudi, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam-530046. Visakhapatnam CO NM 2002 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 90
EEE - 90
IT -60
611 Visaka Engineering College, Bakkannapalem (V), Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam - 530 041 Visakhapatnam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE -60
IT -60
612 Visakha Institute of Engineering & Technology, 57th Division, Narva, Visakhapatnam - 530 027 Visakhapatnam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE -120
613 Visakha Institute of Technology & Science (VITS), Sontyam (V), Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam - 531 173 Visakhapatnam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE -60
IT -30
ME -60
614 Viswanadha Institute of Technology & Management (VITAM), Sontyam, Anandapuram (M), Visakhapatnam - 531 173. Visakhapatnam CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE -90
IT -30
CIV - 60
615 Vizag Institute of Technology, Dakamari (V&P), Bheemunipatnam, Visakhapatnam - 531 162 Visakhapatnam CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE -60
IT -60
616 Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Cherukapally, Bhogapuram, Vizianagaram dist. Vizianagaram CO NM 2005 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
617 Avanthi's Research & Technological Academy, Basavapalom, Bhogapuram, Vizianagaram Dist. Vizianagaram CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
618 Brundavan Group of Institutions, Piridi Village, Bobbili Mandal, Vizianagaram Dist. 535 558 Vizianagaram CO NM 2010 JNTUK CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
ME - 60
CIVIL - 60
619 Coastal Institute of Technology & Management, Narapam (V), Veerabhadrapuram, Kothavalasa, Vizianagaram Dist. Vizianagaram CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
620 Gokul Institute of Technology & Science, Pirdi, Bobbili, Vizianagaram dist., - 535 558. Vizianagaram CO NM 2002 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE -120
ME -60
621 JNTU College of Engineering, Vizianagaram Vizianagaram CO Univ. 2007 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE -60
IT - 60
622 Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jonnada (V), Denkada, Vizaianagaram Dist. - 535 005 Vizianagaram CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE -60
IT - 60
623 Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapathiraj (MVGR) College of Engineerng, Vijayaram Nagar, Chintalavalasa, Vizianagaram - 535005. Vizianagaram CO NM 1997 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE -60
IT - 60
624 Miracle Educational Society Group of Institutions, Kongavanipalem (V), Miracle City, Bhaogapuram Mandal, Vizianagaram Dist. Vizianagaram CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
625 Praveenya Institute of Marine Engineering & Maritime Studies, Modavalasa (V), Denkada (M) (Opp. Dolphin Dairy), Vizianagaram Dist., AP, India - 531 162.
Corporate Office: HIG – 51, Sector – 1, M.V.P. Colony, Visakhapatnam – 5300 17, AP, India. Vizianagaram CO NM 2007 AU MARINE - 60
CIV - 60
ME - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
CSE (under approval) - 60
626 Sri Gnaneswari Research & Technological Academy for Women, Kavulavada (V), Bhogapuram (M), Vizianagaram. Vizianagaram W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE -60
IT - 60
627 St.Theressa Institute of Engineering & Technology, Garividi - 535101, Chipurupalli, Vizianagaram Dist. Vizianagaram CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE -90
IT - 90
ME - 60
628 Swamy Vivekananda Engineering College, Kalavarai (V), Bobbili (Mandal), Vizianagaram Dist.-535558 Vizianagaram CO NM 2009 JNTUK ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
629 Thandra Paparaya Institute of Science & Technology, Komatipalli, Bobbili, Vizianagaram Dist. -535558. Vizianagaram CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE -90
IT - 60
630 Aarushi Group of Institution, Punnel Village, Wardhannapet (M), Warangal Dist. 506 002 Warangal CO NM 2010 JNTUH CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 120
CIVIL - 60
631 Apex Engineering College, Vishwanadhapuram (V), Geesuganda(M), Warangal. Warangal CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
632 Balaji Institute of Engineering & Science, Laknepally, Narsampet, Warangal Dist.,-506 331. Warangal CO NM 2007 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
633 Balaji Institute of Technology and Science, Laknepally, Maheswaram, Narsampet, Warangal-506331. Warangal CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
634 Chaitanya Institute of Technology & Science, Madikonda, Hanamkonda. - 806 142 Warangal CO NM 2010 KU CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
CIVIL - 60
CHEM - 60
635 Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science, Kolombonagar, Yashwanthapuram, Jangaon, Warangal Dist.,-506157. Warangal CO CM 1998 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
636 Ganapathy College of Engineering, Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal - 506 005. Warangal CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
637 Ganapathy Engineering Collge, Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal - 506 005. Warangal CO NM 2005 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
638 Jaya Institute of Technology & Science for Women, Sy.No.910, Ward No.7, Block 1,Near Padmakshamma Temple, Hanumakonda, Warangal. Warangal W NM 2009 KU CSE -120
ECE -90
EEE - 90
IT - 60
639 Jayamukhi Institute of Technology & Science, Moqdumpuram, Narsampet, Waranga Dist., - 506 332. Warangal CO NM 2001 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
640 Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Yerragutta, Hillock, Bheemaram(M), Cheemaram, Hasanparthy, Warangal-506 015. Warangal CO NM 1980 KU CSE -120
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
641 Pathfinder Engineering College, Thimmapur, Hanmakonda, Warangal -506005 Warangal CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
642 Prasad Engineering College, Shameerpet (V), Janagaon (M), Warangal Dist.-506167. Warangal CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
643 Ramappa Engineering College, Maheshwaram, Hunter Road, Shyampet Jagir, Hanamkonda, Warangal Dist., - 506 101. Warangal CO NM 1999 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
644 Sahasra College of Engineering For Women, Vangapahad Village, Hasanparthi Mandal, Warangal Dist. Warangal W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -90
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
645 SR Engineering College, Ananthasagar, Hasanparthy (M), Warangal Dist.-506371. Warangal CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 90
ME - 60
646 Sujala Bharati Institute of Technology, 2-4/1, Ogulapur, (Via - 8 km from Mulugu Road), Warangal -506006. Warangal CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
647 Sumathi Reddy Institute of Technology for Women, Ananthasagar, Hasanparthy, Warangal -506371 Warangal W NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -90
EEE - 90
648 Supraja Institute of Technology & Sciences, Nemaligonda (V), Ghanpur, Warangal Dist.-506114 Warangal CO NM 2009 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
649 SVS Institute of Technology, H.No.1-96, Bheemaram (V), Hasanparthy (M), Warangal Dist.-506 015 Warangal CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -60
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
650 Talla Padmavathi College of Engineering, Tekulagudem (Somidi), Kazipet, Warangal Dist. - 506 003 Warangal CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -90
IT - 60
651 Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Near Mamnoor Camp, Bollikunta, Warangal - 506 005. Warangal CO NM 1998 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
ME - 60
BIO - 30
652 Vaagdevi Enggineering College, Bollikunta, Warangal - 506 005. Warangal CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -90
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
653 Varadha Reddy College of Engineering, Ananthasagar (V), Hasanparthy (M), Warangal dist. Warangal CO NM 2008 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
654 Vidya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Pembarthi, Jangaon, Warangal Dist., - 506 167. Warangal CO NM 2002 JNTUH CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
655 Vinuthna Institute of Technology & Science, Hasanparthy (V&M), Warangal Dist. - 506371 Warangal CO NM 2009 KU CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
656 Warangal Institute of Technology & Science, Oorugonda (V), Athmakur (M), Warangal Warangal CO NM 2009 KU CSE -120
ECE -60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
657 AKRG College of Engineering & Technology, Nallajerla, W.G. Disg. 534 112. West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CIV - 60
658 Akula Gopayya College of Engineering & Technology, Prathipadu, NH-5, 'Y' Junction, Prathipadu, Pentapadu, Tadepalligudem - 534 146, W.G.Dist., West Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 60
659 Akula Sreeramulu (ASR) College of Engineering,Tetali, Pydiparru, Tanuku, W.G. Dist. - 534 211. West Godavari CO NM 1998 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
660 Best Group of Institutions, Tadepalligudem, West Godavari Dist - 534 101 West Godavari CO NM 2010 JNTUK CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
MECH - 60
CIVIL - 60
661 Bhimavaram Institute of Engineering & Technology, Swamy Gnanananda Ashramam Rd, Pennada, Bhimavaram, W.G.Dist,-534243. West Godavari CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
662 Chaitanya Engineering College, 9-3-15, Near Prakruthi Ashram, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist West Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
ME - 60
663 DNR College of Engineering & Technology, Balusumudi, Bhimavaram-2, W.G. Dist. West Godavari CO NM 2010 JNTUK CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
MECH - 60
CIVIL - 60
664 Eluru College of Engineering & Technology, Duggirala (V), Pedavegi, W.G.Dist.-534 004 West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
665 Gayatri Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gayatri Educational Society, Hyderabad Road, Jangareddy Gudem, W.G.Dist. West Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
666 Grandhi Varalakshmi Venkatarao Institute of Technology, Vempa Road, Tinduru Post, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist - 534 207. West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
667 Helapuri Institute of Technology & Science, Vegavaram (V), Denduluru Mandal, WG Dist West Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
668 Jogaiah Institute of Technology and Science, Kalagampudi, NH-214, Elemanchali(M), W.G. Dist.-268. West Godavari CO NM 2007 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 120
IT - 60
CIV - 60
669 Mentey Pedmanabham College of Engineering & Technology, Dirusumarru Road, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist.-534 201. West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
670 Narasapur Institute of Technology, Narasapur, W.G.Dist West Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE - 60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
671 Nova College of Engineering & Technolog,y Vegavaram, Jangareddygudem (M), W.G. Dist-534447. West Godavari CO CM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 90
672 Nova Institute of Technology, Eluru, W.G. Dist. West Godavari CO NM 2010 JNTUK CSE - 60
EEE - 60
ECE - 60
MECH - 60
CIVIL - 60
673 Nova's Institute of Technology for Women, Sanivarapupet, Thangellamudi (V), Elugu (M), W.G.Dist - 521 106 West Godavari W NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -90
ECE - 90
EEE - 60
ME - 60
674 Ramachandra College of Engineering, Vatluru (V), Peddapadu (M), Eluru - 534007, W.G.Dist., West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
675 Sagi Ramakrishna Raju (SRKR) Engineering College, Bhimavaram, West Godavari Dist., West Godavari CO NM 1986 AU CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 120
IT - 120
676 Sasi Institute of Technology & Engineering, Kadakatla-534101, Tadepalligudem, W.G.Dist. West Godavari CO NM 2002 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
677 Sir CR Reddy College of Engineering, Vatluru, Eluru - 534 007, W.G.Dist. West Godavari CO NM 1989 AU CSE -120
ECE - 120
EEE - 90
IT - 60
CIV - 60
678 Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Pedatadepalli, Tadepalligudem. W.G.Dist. - 534 101. West Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
679 Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kanuru (V), Peravali (M), W.G. Dist.-534 329 West Godavari CO NM 2008 AU CSE -60
ECE - 60
EEE - 60
IT - 60
CIV - 60
680 Sri Vatsavai Krishnam Raju College of Engineering & Technology, Gollalakoderu, Palakoderu (M), W.G. Dist. - 534 212. West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -90
EEE - 60
IT - 60
681 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Science & Information Technology (VISIT), Parakasaraopalem (V), Nallajerla (M), W.G. Dist. West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
682 Sri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Kovvada, Vishnupur, Bhimavaram, W.G.dist. - 534202. West Godavari W NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 120
ME - 60
CIV - 60
683 Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology, Sitaramapuram, Narsapur, W.G.Dist. - 534 280. West Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
EEE -120
IT - 60
684 Swarnandhra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sitharampuram, Narsapur, W.G. Dist., West Godavari CO NM 2001 JNTUK CSE -120
ECE -120
IT - 60
685 Vijetha Institute of Technology & Science, Chinamamidipalli, Narsapur, W.G.Dist. West Godavari CO NM 2009 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -60
EEE - 60
CIV - 60
686 Vishnu Institute of Technology, Vishnupur, Bhimavaram, W.G. Dist. - 534 202 West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
IT - 60
687 West Godavari Institute of Science & Engineering, Avapadu, Prakasaraopalem, Nallajarla (M), W.G. Dist - 534 112 West Godavari CO NM 2008 JNTUK CSE -60
ECE -120
EEE - 60
ME - 60
CSE - Computer Science & Engineering | ECE - Electronics & Communication Engineering | EEE - Electrical & Electronics Engineering | EIE - Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | ECM - Electronics & Computer Engineering | ECS - Electronics Control Systems Engineering | Aero - Aeronautical Engineering | BIO - Bio-technology | CHE - Chemical Engineering | CIV - Civil Engineering | CPE - Chemical Petrol Engineering | CEE - Civil Environmental Engineering | CER - Ceramic Technology | CSS - Computer Science & Systems Engineering | IT - Information Technology | ME - Mechanical Engineering | IST - Instrumentation Engineering | MARINE - Marine Engineering | MCT - Mechanical (Mechatronics) | MET - Metallurgical Engineering | MMT - Metallurgy & Material Technology | MIN - Mining Engineering